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The trade war between the States and China must stop

(2019-09-21 07:24:49) 下一个

The trade war between the States and China must stop.

来源:  于 2019-08-24 07:37:18 [] [转至博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 3636 次 (1642 bytes)
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Although it is much beyond what is targeted initially by the US President Donald J. Trump to reduce the trade deficit, it is now the time to stop it! Otherwise, the economies of both the countries would be suffering and would affect other economies in the world as well. The China stand is that the trade dispute could be resolved via negotiation, and the trade war would damage the economies and there will not be a winner eventually. Of course, the USA main stream economists do not favor the trade war either, because they know the consequence will not be pleasant to the American side and people, despite the fact the China people may suffer more.

A major topic for the upcoming G7 gathering in France this weekend must be the problme of world economies - slowing down even a possible recession because of the on-going trade war between the two largest economies. A question is how these other leaders are going to persuate President Trump to adopt a new strategy to suscept the trade friction with China that displays a much slow growth rate in 27 years below than expected. Plus, other issues are challenging the States from both the internal (e.g., Dow down 600 points ) and international enemies (e.g., Iran resuming its nuke program, North Korea re-testing missiles), which should be handled properly by President Trump who is seeking to win the 2020 presedency again so that to keep his promise of 'Make America Great Again'. 

Again, it is time to stop the trade war that have caused many potential uncertainties and problems.         

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