

(2019-08-04 02:21:25) 下一个

Breast Cancer studies. 
Among the most convincing epidemiological studies on the benefit, not harm, of soy is a study of 5,042 breast cancer survivors by researchers from Vanderbilt University.
Over a four-year period, the researches documented and correlated the amount of soy these women consumed with recurrence of and death from breast cancer. If there were any potential for soy to be truly harmful, it would appear in this population of women.
Instead, what was found was that women with the highest level of soy intake had a reduction in their risk of cancer recurrence by 32 percent, while their risk of mortality was reduced by 29 percent. This beneficial association with soy was seen regardless of whether the women had estrogen-receptor-positive or negative breast cancer.
In conclusion, my medical advice to you, whether you’re a woman or a man, is to fuel up on soy! It’s another healthful plant-based food.

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bluekitty 回复 悄悄话 回复 'bluewave69' 的评论 :
bluewave69 回复 悄悄话 我在一两个月内吃了很多年轻的黄豆(edamame), 结果我甲状腺出了问题 (当然我想我之前应该有个结节但是我并不知道,只不过突然发作了)。还有颈部的carotid bulb肿了起来,吓坏了我这个贪生拍死的人。 后来我读过两遍关于黄豆对甲状腺不利。所以。。。anything in moderation.
业余厨子 回复 悄悄话 回复 'bluekitty' 的评论 : 你说的对。
bluekitty 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 :
晓青 回复 悄悄话 因为豆子有雌激素吧。