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分享关于mRNA疫苗,70岁医学院毒理学full professor 给我的回信

(2021-07-02 13:49:05) 下一个
Dear Prof. XXXXX,
......, I am one of a few who are not feel welcome in my attritude toward the mRNA vaccines. I reject the idea that we need to take the new mRNA vaccine for everyone, including children. Unfortunately, even my daughter don't like my idea. Thank to my education from McGill and your course of toxicology, I insisit that the mRNA vaccine has not been proven to show long term safety profile, espcially for reproductive toxicity for kids. I think the goverments in the world which push the children to take the vaccines are grossly incompetent and irresponsible. 
“As far as the vaccine is concerned, I agree with you completely.
I told my 8-year old that if there was ever an attempt to vaccinate her in school,
that she should run out of the school, and come home. She is now out of school for the summer.
I even feel that at my age (70), it is better to rely on my own T-cells than on mRNA or other techniques.
The pharma industry, taking advantage of variant fears, and of the need to top-off immunity, 
will probably market a succession of shots to keep the market alive. It has become a political,
rather than a health issue.
These "vaccines" attenuate innate immunity, and confuse the immune system.
I hope your daughter sees the light. But when you have been a student all your life, it is difficult
to imagine that the motives behind government policies could be out of line with the interests
of individuals.
What will come out progressively is that the risk associated with the vaccine(s)
is higher than the risk of Covid. But this is information will be hard to extract,
because scared politicians, who did not react fast enough to control contagion in January
of last year, are now over-reacting, and have become the sales force of the vaccine industry.”
As you know, vaccines are not evaluated for toxicity beyond a few months. The assumption
is that the immune system is an unlimited sea of potential adaptation (with no cross-reactions),
the reporting of adverse reactions (VAERS) is very ineffective, and the companies producing "vaccines" 
were placed in that category precisely because they get immunity from lawsuits.
Many mechanisms amplified the Covid crisis, such as the use of PCR at 40 cycles, and big
payments to hospitals (in the US) writing Covid on death certificates.
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