
The things

(2023-06-04 07:14:08) 下一个


2:9    如 经 上 所 记 , 神 为 爱 他 的 人 所 预 备 的 , 是 眼 睛 未 曾 看 见 , 耳 朵 未 曾 听 见 , 人 心 也 未 曾 想 到 的 。


When the world looked hopeless

You put hope in my heart

I don’t know what happened

But I know there is something in the blood


When my life seemed lifeless

You breathed into my soul

I don’t know how You did it

But I know You can restore anything in me


When I am on the new journey

You fight before this child

I don’t know what will happen

But I know there’ll be nothing making me afraid


When this world is so empty

You bless me boundlessly

I don’t know much about heaven

But I know You’ll offer everything here and there


Free freedom

Living life

Breathing breath

Dead death

All the things from You

All the blessings to me


[ 打印 ]