

(2023-05-01 07:19:11) 下一个

If you forget that you are the owner of anything

There will be a victory

Remember that to him are all things

He sustains all things by his powerful word


If you forget that some people have hurt you before

There will be a victory

Remember that Christ kissed Judas 

Even though He knew He was betrayed by him


If you forget that You should cherish your own life

There will be a victory

Remember that to follow our Lord

The man who loves his life will lose it eventually


When you forget to bring your compass with you

There will be a victory

Remember how He led Israelites

By day in a pillar of cloud and by night a pillar of fire


Oh Lord teach us how to forget

Let’s forget everything about ourselves

Lay down everything before Your throne

And confess Lord all is Yours


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