2020 (217)
2023 (308)
2024 (119)
Don’t be lured by the neons of this world
They are dazzling enough to make you blind
Turn your eyes to the big light above
Then you will see the love of the Only One
Don’t be lured by the treasures of this world
They are attractive but could be stolen by men
Turn your eyes to the treasures above
With which you can trade crowns divine
Don’t be lured by the friendship of this world
It can be very close but on it you cannot depend
Turn your eyes to the loyal friend above
He will be with you wherever you stand
Don’t be lured by the ways of this world
A broad road will just lead you to a hopeless end
Turn your eyes to the holy way above
To make this way Father gave out His son
Don’t be lured by the worldly fun
Don’t forget to look up and fix your eyes on His face
We are just pilgrims and sojourners bound for New Jerusalem