
Correct me when I am wrong

(2023-04-22 08:20:15) 下一个


5:8    务 要 谨 守 , 儆 醒 。 因 为 你 们 的 仇 敌 魔 鬼 , 如 同 吼 叫 的 狮 子 , 遍 地 游 行 , 寻 找 可 吞 吃 的 人 。


You know how the serpent spoke to Eve in Eden

And then for mankind the curse has been put on

I could make the same mistake as well

Lord Correct me when I am wrong


You know how the devil prowls around roaring

And then people could be cheated and preyed on

I could become the devil’s catch as well

Lord Correct me when I am wrong


You know how Satan deceived in Caesarea Philippi

And then Peter didn’t want Jesus to go to Jerusalem

I could be deceived by Satan easily as well

Lord Correct me when I am wrong


Lord You know how weak this child could be

Lord You know how cunning this world could become

But I always know You are holding my hands fast

And You will correct me when I am wrong 


[ 打印 ]