
Behold I have a friend

(2023-04-21 06:53:20) 下一个


15:15    以 后 我 不 再 称 你 们 为 仆 人 。 因 仆 人 不 知 道 主 人 所 作 的 事 。 我 乃 称 你 们 为 朋 友 。 因 我 从 我 父 所 听 见 的 。 已 经 都 告 诉 你 们 了 。


I may go to a friend’s home to ring the doorbell

My friend may not open the door

Behold I have a friend in heaven who always leave His door open

Arms open wide with a warming smile


I may phone someone when I need some help

That person may never pick up the call

Behold I have a friend in heaven who never misses any of my cries

He will stay online around the clock


I may beg people if I am in a desperate situation

They may turn out to be the last straw

Behold I have a friend in heaven who always hold out His hand

I will be delivered as a dear child


I may be arrested after I break a worldly law

They may put me in jail for my fault

Behold I have a friend who doesn’t punish me for my wrongs

Instead He died for me to wash them all


Behold a friend of love mercy and grace

Behold a friend who is always reaching out

With a friend who searched and found me when I was deadly lost

What other name in this world do I need to call


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