2020 (217)
2023 (308)
2024 (119)
When You are hungry
Let me offer all I have to You
Since once You did the same for me
Lord, let me find You
When You are thirsty
Let me give You my own water
Since You’ve given me living water
Lord, let me find You
When You are a stranger
Let me invite You to my house
Since You are the rock of my dwelling
Lord, let me find You
When You need clothes
Let me clothe You with love
Since You will put on me the white garments
Lord, let me find You
When You are sick
Let me look after my neighbor
Since You want me to be the good Samaritan
Lord, let me find You
When You are in prison
Let me visit You with a heart
Since once You were forsaken for this sinner
Lord, let me find You
Anywhere You are
‘Cause once You found me
When I was lost