事实是:川普就是一个坑蒙拐骗满嘴谎言的传销骗子!知识浅薄,人品低下,没有良知!道德败坏!大家Google一下 liar, con man, 出来的结果就是川普本人。或者在google trump lies, 结果出来后大家再多方认证了解情况就知道川普就是一个彻头彻尾的骗子!醒醒吧!他就是一个传销式的骗子头目。如果你们还支持这类人,要么你是傻子,要么你是类似传销组织里面的下家小骗子,要么你就是又傻又是骗子!
Cheating on a College Entrance Test
As a high school student in Queens, Ms. Trump writes, Donald Trump paid someone to take a precollegiate test, the SAT, on his behalf. The high score the proxy earned for him, Ms. Trump adds, helped the young Mr. Trump to later gain admittance as an undergraduate to the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton business school. Mr. Trump has often boasted about attending Wharton, which he has referred to as “the best school in the world” and “super genius stuff.”