大花与小木 (热门博主)
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Quotes to Live By__笔记(二)

(2023-07-15 20:39:04) 下一个

Chapter 4~6: Work, Calm and Leisure

To judge by the amount of productive thinking that goes on there, most beds have a better claim to be called offices than offices. 


What ends up aging and eventually killing us isn’t one big thing but thousands of tiny obligations, which we don’t have the heart to push away,which all seem relatively minor,but which collectively have the power to finish us off.


Office life would not be possible without the hard takeoffs and landings by coffee and alcohol. 


There are few catastrophes, in our own lives or in those of nations, that do not ultimately have their origins in a shortfall of emotional intelligence. 


An average office is filled with so much psychoanalytic complexity that the idea of being able to be “professional” is a prelude to constant puzzlement and disappointment. It would be gentler on our nerves to accept from the first that we are operating in an asylum that has no wish to recognize itself as such.  


At the end of an average day, our minds are so filled with static, it would take five closely packed pages to begin to capture most of what was fluttering through consciousness. 


Things only ever seem stable because we aren’t standing close enough to them to realize their contingency. 


Growing up should mean feeling ever less unique - in painful and redemptive ways. 


Anxiety is not always a sign of sickness, a weakness of the mind or an error to which we should locate a medical solution. It is mostly a hugely reasonable and sensitive response to the genuine strangeness, terror, uncertainty and riskiness of existence. 


Melancholy is not rage or bitterness; it is a noble species of sadness that arises when we are open to the fact that life is inherently difficult for everyone and that suffering and disappointment are at the heart of human experience. It is not a disorder that needs to be cured; it is a tender-hearted, calm, dispassionate acknowledgement of how much pain we must inevitably all travel through. 


You have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of flowers, pretty skies and uneventful boring days. 


A good life requires us to do two relatively trickly things: know how to go along with the rules sufficiently well so as not to get mired in needless fights with the school authorities and, simultaneously, never to believe too blindly or too passively in the long-term validity of everything we ‘re asked to study. We need to be outwardly obedient and inwardly discerning.  

外圆内方。Psychology 101 mentions “political savvy” which needs more reading. 

Being funny should only ever be an incidental by-product of trying to get to an important truth, never a destination in itself.    



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