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nobrainer,也写成“no-brainer”或者“no brainer”。
这个词很容易望文生义。-er后缀,XX人的意思。从拼写来看,好像是“no brainer”演变成“no-brainer”再演变成“nobrainer”。词根brain是“脑”,brainer就应该是“脑人”,“no brainer”就是“没有脑人”。但是,如此望文生义就大错特错了。
Informal . anything requiring little thought or effort; something easy or simple to understand or do.
no-brainer definition
Something that is absurdly simple or easy and requires little thought: “Making pumpkin pie can be a no-brainer if you use frozen pastry and canned filling.”
no-brainer definition
an easy question that takes no thinking to answer; a simple problem that requires no intellect to solve; a dilemma that requires no pondering to resolve. : His proposal of marriage was a no-brainer. She turned him down flat on the spot.
“NDP's 'no brainer' support of postal workers needed more thought”,这个显然用的都不是三种字典定义,而是用的第三个定义里的例句的意思:明眼都看得出来新民主当支持邮政罢工是件傻事。言下之意是新民主党怎么也不动动脑就支持邮政罢工。
“Using public funds to buy a luxury SUV for a bishop’s birthday request, that has got to be a no-brainer. ”这句里应该是“不用想都知道是不对的事情”。
“So why won't they accept Democrats' "astonishing concession" of trillions of dollars in cuts in exchange for Republicans approving comparatively tiny tax increases? "If the Republican Party were a normal party," says conservative columnist David Brooks at The New York Times, "it would take advantage of this amazing moment." The Dems' offer is part of negotiations to raise the nation's $14 trillion debt ceiling (without an increase to the federal government's borrowing limit, the U.S. will default on its debts in early August), and presents the GOP with such a massive victory that accepting the deal ought to be "the mother of all no-brainers," Brooks says.”
问题不在意思,而在构词方法的出格的土气(不规范),而竟然被《纽约时报》这样的报纸使用。构词方法比美国唐人讲“long time no see”(很久没见了)还土。但nobrainer比“long time no see”历史要短得多了,据说是1959年底第一次在报纸漫画上出现,漫画变成“漫话”了。多逐渐被接受是90年代的事情,而如今风行和茶党运动有很大关系。nobrainer是美国市井俚语,其构词土帽不见得比Chinglish好到那里。所以,不必怕英语说不好,只要对方听得懂意思就行。Chinglish说多了,别人就接受了。“long time no see”在成龙电影里常用,很受欢迎。“nobrainer”也是今天北美政治新闻中极具“愤青”色彩的语言:构词越无厘头越能表达轻蔑的态度。