


(2020-06-30 12:04:09) 下一个









   既然两岸的政治家们没有不宣称 “人民的福祉就是自己的福祉”。现在,两岸的人民要和平,不要战争;那么,两岸的政治家们,你们怎么办? 

   既然两岸的政治家们没有不宣称 “人民的福祉就是自己的福祉”。那么,你们有什么理由、你们有什么资格让两岸人民生灵涂炭,两败俱亡?! 








   这样一来,台湾海峡两岸人民走向和平、自由、均富就有了法律的保障;在修订后的《南京宪法》的指引下,建立民主、法治、共和的“公家国” 也就有了法理的保障;台湾海峡两岸人民渴望得和平的富强的亚洲第一共和国,就是修订后的《南京宪法》治下的和平的富强的“中国”,那也就从根本上彻底解决了台海战争这灭顶之灾! 










   Xu Wenli 

   Raising the Flag of the First Republic in Asia Again: a Solution to the Conflict in the Taiwan Strait 

   In the past fifty years, and especially in the past twenty-plus years, the PRC and Taiwan have undergone extensive economic development and the people’s standard of living has improved commensurately. All this improvement has depended on the relative peace that has persisted in the region for the past fifty years. This peace has been formed by geopolitical factors, but more importantly because the people on both shores loathe war, thirst for peace and stability, and seek a prosperous life. 

   Unfortunately, the recent passing of the “anti-secession” law in the PRC gives the government a license to attack at will, making more people in Taiwan echo the call for independence, and tension between the two sides even more extreme. In preparation for a potential conflict, the US and Japan have recently strengthened their military alliance. 

   The people on the two sides of the strait have observed the tense situation most unwillingly. They know that were a war to be break out, they would suffer the most regardless of which side incited it. The peace, security, and prosperity of people on both shores would immediately cease to exist. 

   But the government of the PRC, in its whole-hearted desire to monopolize power and extend its autocratic rule, is mercilessly using the “anti-secession” act as a pretext for starting war on the strait and solving the “Taiwan problem.” Meanwhile, some in Taiwan push for Taiwan’s independence in spite of opposition from people on both sides, and risk bringing destruction to both themselves and their opponents. If both these elements continue to espouse these views and have power, then there is only one possible future for the PRC and Taiwan: the mass destruction of life, and the collapse of both sides. 

   Politicians on both sides of the strait have declared that they view the people’s happiness as important as their own. Now, people on both sides want peace and not war. So, politicians on both sides: What do you make of this? Do you loathe war or push for it? 

   Politicians on both sides of the strait have declared that they view the people’s happiness as important as their own. So what freedom and right do you have to cause the destruction of the people on both sides and the extinction of both entities! 

   The sword of Damocles hangs above the heads of people on both sides of the 


   Does this mean there is no way to prevent the catastrophe of war? There is indeed a solution, but will politicians and people on both sides accept it? 

   People and politicians on both sides must remember that under Sun Yat-sen’s leadership, we established Asia’s first republic, which had a loud, beautiful name: “China”! 

   They must remember that in 1947, many of China’s political factions created the Nanjing Constitution, including the fiercely opposing Communist and Nationalist parties. This constitution is as democratic and respectful of human rights as the US Constitution, granting a wide range of political freedoms and local autonomy. Similarly, it follows Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address exactly in claiming that the government is “of, by, and for the people.” 

   The Nanjing Constitution obviously needs to be revised to accord with the times and the will of the people. If a popularly-elected national people’s assembly representing both China and Taiwan were to approve this constitution, and it would undergo revisions based on the times and the will of the people, it could then be put into practice. 

   Thus, the revised “Nanjing Constitution” would be the two sides’ jointly- recognized constitution; and “China” would be the two sides’ jointly-recognized country. 

   In this way, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will tread the 

   path toward peace, freedom, and equitable prosperity, guaranteed by law. Under the guidance of the revised Nanjing Constitution, the people will also establish a democratic and constitutional jointly-recognized republic, guaranteed by law. The peaceful, rich, and strong republic that the people of the mainland and Taiwan so struggled to obtain in 1911, will be revived on the foundation of the revised “Nanjing Constitution” as a peaceful, prosperous, and strong “China”. This will prevent a calamitous war. 

   As long as Taiwan and mainland China abandon autocratic rule, suspend discussion of Taiwanese independence, restore a democratic China, protect human rights and individual liberties, and together form a strong and prosperous federation, then the problems of autocracy and secession will be resolved. Furthermore, such a union would prevent a Taiwan Strait war and ethnic and regional conflicts, as well as guarantee the welfare and security of both sides. 

   People and politicians of both sides, let’s work hard to achieve this goal together! 

   We want peace, not war. 

   Let us raise the flag of Asia’s first republic again! 

   We must: abandon autocratic rule, suspend discussion of Taiwanese independence, restore a democratic China, protect human rights and individual liberties, and together form a strong and equally prosperous federation. 

   Let the two recently prospering sides head toward a bright future, rather than toward disaster. This is my hope.

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