

Verb Tense 动词时态

(2022-11-30 19:19:20) 下一个


Verb tense refers to when an action happened. 时间

  • Past - has happened in the past
    • 例:I lived in China.
  • Present - is happening now
    • 例:I live in St. Louis.
  • Future - will happen in the future
    • 例:I will live in Las Vegas when I retire.

Tense also determines if an action continues for a time. 状态

  • Perfect: action is completely done or finished. 完成状态 In other words, whatever the action is or was, it is completed when the perfect tense is used.
  • Progressive: action is happening now and will continue into the future. 连续状态 
  • Perfect progressive: action was completed, but it continued over a period of time or has some effect on the present or future. 完成连续状态






Perfect progressive

Past I danced yesterday. I had written a book last month. Jack was flying yesterday. I had been talking all day yesterday.
Present I dance. I have written a book. I am flying today. I have been talking all day, and my throat hurts.
Future I will dance tomorrow. I will have written a book by Tuesday. Jill will be flying tomorrow. I will have been talking all day tomorrow.
Past Future I said on Thursday that I should see my friend next month. He said that he would have written a book by last month. I told kids that we would be flying to France next summer. He told me that he would have been talking for three days.


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林凡_圣路易 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' , 寒一凡 的评论 : 不学不知道,一学才知道自己说了许多让人误解的话而不自知。
laopika 回复 悄悄话 林凡学的真是一丝不苟,佩服!
寒一凡 回复 悄悄话 时态真的很重要,错了很容易被误解。谢谢分享!