【巴黎 其五:Musée d'Orsay】
By: 无负清欢
1. Starry Night Over the Rhône Painting by Vincent van Gogh
2. The Portrait of Eugene Boch
3. The Siesta (after Millet)
4. Boy leading a horse (在玻璃框里,据说是珍品的待遇,拍起来有反光)
5. Orchard with Flowering Trees
6. The Church at Ventheuil under snow
7. Algerian Landscape
8. Women in an orchard
9. Chrysanthemum
10. Daffodils and tulips
11. Charlotte Dubourg
12. Berthe Morisot
13. The lady with fans
14. Jeune fille assise Giclee
15. Monsieur et Madame Bernheim de Villers'
16. Dance in the country
17. Portrait of Henry Cordier

18. Bal du moulin de la Galette
19. A studio at bantignolli
20. Bazille's Sudio
21. Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe
22. The floorscrapers