


(2011-07-07 16:09:47) 下一个

1)一个计算机(Dell computer)停电后,就打不开了,
2)家用面包车(Honda Odyssey) 起动后,卡在停车挡,转不到驾驶挡。

1) Dell computer 是在停电后,坏的, 故怀疑是power supply 出了事. 上网查了该型号,果然其powersupply 有问题.  就上Amazon.com 上买了个powersupply ($22.00).  装上一试,果然所有的灯都亮了. 一切正常了。

2) Honda Odyssey  在第一次发现shift locked in the parking gear时, 脚踩了几次, 起动了几次, 就好了. 可是一旦车停下后,shift to the parking gear 又不行了.  查了下manual, 发现有 shift lock manual release. 用了manual release后,终于将车开回家. 上网一查, Honda 的车都有这毛病. Toyota 的车很少有.

1) stop light or its fuse is broken.  The horn is on the same electric circuit as the stop light.  Since the horn on my van is working, it eliminated this possibility.
2) brake switch is broken.  brake swith is a small device which is to prevent gear shift when the brake pedal is not depressed.  It is located just above the brake pedal.   Remove the attached wire and twist the switch and pull it out.
After cleaning it up, I found a small plastic was broken.  However, it does not seem to affect the function.  Put the switch back in the van and after adjusting the height, the shift is now working perfectly.  此次修理,没花一分钱. 如果送到car dealer 去修, 没有$100钱是拿不回我的车的.

互联网帮了大忙, 我也觉得挺有成就感的...

后记: Blake switch started ok but then quickly old problem appeared again.  So I went to Autozone and bought a new blake switch for about $8. After installing the new blake switch, it works great without any problem.

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