


(2018-04-12 20:37:55) 下一个



IN modern missions nothing is more fascinating, instructive, encouraging and thrilling than the lives of those who are enacting the new Acts of the Apostles. On the foreign field we seem to be back again in the early years of the Christian Church, to be living over again the experiences of those who first carried Christianity to now Christian people. And every mission field has its superb and shining example of devotion, courage, self-sacrifice, faith, statesmanship and Christian wisdom. Every field proudly treasures certain great and famous names, and uses them as names to conjure with. These are the recognized vintage of the Church universal.



Some achieve general reputation, others a local recognition which is beyond all words. Every mission is   richly blessed in the lives of some who have done or are doing an immortal work, without reaching such fame as Livingstone's or Carey's or Martyn's. The time always fails us to tell of many who, through their faith, subdued kingdoms, ruled righteously, gained the fulfilment of God's promises, shut the mouths of lions, quelled the fury of the flames, escaped the edge of the sword, found strength in the hour of weakness, were valiant in war, routed hostile armies and did those other marvellous deeds that belong to the life of faith.


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