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(2018-06-07 14:00:52) 下一个

My answer is NO if you have your account with one of major brokerage, like Fidelity or Charles Schwab

This also depends on individuals.  Someone might sleep better at night if he or she has an account each with two different brokerage companies.  For someone like that, I would suggest to open accounts with no more than three major brokerage houses while he or she has $10M investable asset.  Even though, you have accounts with three firms, it does not mean that all your money are with them.  The reason being is when you buy mutual funds and the money are actually with the mutual fund companies, or you buy individual companies' stocks, the money goes to that particular company, not with your brokerage companies.


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jlx_2010 回复 悄悄话 哦,谢谢!
hhtt 回复 悄悄话 回复 'jlx_2010' 的评论 : 哪里!我没有仔细的比较过,因为他们都有自己好的基金和不太好的基金。但是,如果你问我应该在哪里开个账户?那我会在Fidelity开,因为Fidelity的交易平台做的好,容易用。
jlx_2010 回复 悄悄话 请问vanguard和fidelity哪个好?如果问题太低级,请不要生气