
难得糊涂。望能帮助大家解答投资理财的问题。使大家在投资理财的过程中, 不马马虎虎以及不糊糊涂涂被人忽悠, 尽快实现财务自由。
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(2017-07-04 10:18:16) 下一个

This post was written to reply a post in 投资理财 forum about making $1M in a month.  I have replied jokingly that I made $1M in April 2017.  Here is what I wrote in a follow up with my first reply.  'I was waiting for someone to dispute my claim of making a $1M in April.  So far, no one questioned about my claim.  Alright, I have to confess that I lied.'. 

I don't think that someone who can make a $1M in a month will have time to come to this forum.  We all know that it is not easy to make a $1M in a lifetime for most of Americans, much less to make a $1M in a month.  

Even I lied about making a $1M in a month today, I did indeed make a $1M in a day in my career.  I was the head option/future trader for one of top 3 US banks in Hong Kong during the 90s, which was a very exciting time both politically and financially.  Hong Kong was returning to China and Asia Financial Crisis was unfolding during that time, we used a position trading strategy during the very volatile Asia Financial Crisis and made a lot of money for the firm. 

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hhtt 回复 悄悄话 回复 'pali' 的评论 : 谢谢来访。
pali 回复 悄悄话 这两天在一篇篇往前看,再次崇拜一下糊涂哥。????