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Light and Shadow-13 Moving Wall

(2023-06-23 10:49:20) 下一个

Moving wall


I'm biking in a silent tunnel

in the darkness that's pitchy and misty

A beam of light behind casts a moving shadow

the projected ME

onto a wall of wet and black air

The gigantic ME scares the real ME on the bike 

I pedal hard to flee

but afraid of crashing into this moving wall


I brake to catch a breath


and only see the moving wall halt

The shadow ME on the moving wall

stares at the real ME in silence of death



"Moving wall" is a poem that explores themes of self-reflection, fear, and mortality. The speaker describes a surreal experience of biking through a silent tunnel enveloped in darkness and mist. The use of imagery and metaphorical language conveys a sense of unease and introspection.

The opening lines set the atmosphere of the poem, emphasizing the eerie and mysterious setting. The tunnel represents a metaphorical journey, possibly through one's own mind or emotions. The darkness and mist symbolize the unknown and the hidden aspects of the self.

The introduction of the "moving shadow" created by a beam of light adds a sense of movement and dynamism to the scene. The shadow represents a projection of the speaker's self, suggesting introspection or self-examination. It is described as "gigantic," which implies a magnified and overwhelming perception of the self.

The contrast between the projected self and the real self is highlighted when the speaker expresses fear of the "gigantic ME." This fear arises from the discrepancy between the perceived self-image and the actual self. The speaker feels intimidated and threatened by this distorted reflection, indicating a possible lack of self-acceptance or fear of confronting one's true identity.

The speaker's reaction is to pedal hard, attempting to escape from this self-image. However, there is also a fear of crashing into the "moving wall," suggesting a fear of confronting the truth or potential consequences of self-discovery. The use of the word "hollow" suggests that the projected self-image may lack substance or authenticity.

The speaker eventually brakes to catch a breath, indicating a moment of pause and reflection. The breath being described as "shallow" may suggest the speaker's heightened state of anxiety or apprehension. In this moment of stillness, the moving wall also comes to a halt, perhaps symbolizing a temporary respite from self-reflection or a pause in the internal struggle.

The concluding lines depict a silent confrontation between the projected self and the real self. The shadow self, represented on the moving wall, is described as staring at the real self with a sense of impending death. This imagery suggests a confrontation with mortality or an awareness of the transient nature of existence.

Overall, "Moving wall" presents a psychological exploration of self-perception, fear, and mortality. The poem employs vivid imagery and metaphorical language to evoke a sense of unease and introspection. It invites readers to contemplate the complexities of identity and the consequences of self-reflection.


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