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Embrace Australian Values Alliance Open Letter

Stop the Red Wave washing over Australia

Recently, some Chinese netizens and new Chinese migrants in Australia have brought about a red wave of communist ideology into Australia. Using recent events, these people are creating division between the Chinese and Australian communities in the name of "patriotism". These sentiments are especially fuelled by events such as the Hague ruling, Chinese Olympic athletes' disagreements with other countries at Rio,  the Channel 7 fiasco with the incorrect flag and unfortunate advertisement timing, the Census without "China" as a birthplace, the block of China's bid for Ausgrid, etc. Now this latest Mao concert touring the two cities is another catalyst for this red wave to gain momentum.

Although history can be controversial and remote and sometimes easily forgotten, the core ideology of Maoism is being draped with commercial wrapping and gradually infiltrating into every segment of Western civilisation.

The core tenets of Maoism (outlined below) are dangerously inciting hatred and conflict in Australian communities.

Maoism believes that a tiny spark can be turned into an inferno (terrorism and violence); political power grows out of the gun barrel (anti-democracy); gain power through military force starting from remote villages and slowly encircle large cities; continue revolution (inciting rebellion); rebellion is justified (disrespect law and order); instigate hared between employees and employers through class struggle); guerrilla warfare; following Marxism to eliminate private ownership and annihilate bourgeoisies (vow to destroy Western civilisation).

Large amounts of historical evidence show that Mao was personally responsible for massive tortures and persecutions of religious and political dissidents and his policies resulting in the unnatural deaths of over 70 million Chinese people. Mao’s crimes against humanity far surpass Hitler and Stalin. Even in China today, majority of the people would rise up against such concerts glorifying this former dictator.   

The more Maoist ideology spreads in Australia, the more it is a threat for the Australian government. Most Australian-Chinese are peace loving, law abiding people and hence are outraged that we are tolerating concerts glorifying an ideology which is so against Australian values.

We call upon all righteous minded people to stand up and STOP this concert from happening on Australian soil.










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