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速描《金瓶梅》第17 回/100

(2016-11-02 04:51:10) 下一个

西门庆与瓶儿正插花吹箫,得知女儿女婿逃难回家,女婿亲家犯赃官污吏之罪,坐牢待审, 株连亲族。西门庆速归,花园停工,闭门不出,魂飞魄散。无暇思娶。24岁的瓶儿日日不见西门庆,病卧不起, 29岁乡医蒋竹山治愈好相思病。瓶儿孤鸟闪婚,招蒋入门,出300大洋,开张药铺,为夫买驴,出诊行医。

While Ximen and Ping are passionate playing thrust-flower-blow-flute ,  his daughter and son-in-law come back home, as the relative of his daughter’s Father-in-law is jailed for corruption, and all family members are under investigation.  Ximen returns home immediately, stops garden project, closes the door, frightened, not even thinking about to marry Ping.  The 24-year-old Ping no longer hears from Ximen and falls ill.  Then Jiang Zhu-shan, the 29-year-old village doctor, cures her lovesickness, Ping rushes her marriage with the doctor, has the groom moved into her house and spends 300 to open drug store and buy a donkey for her husband to visit patients.

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