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(2015-12-03 07:41:01) 下一个
华 人作为很早来到美国的族裔之一,以吃苦耐劳和聪明才智而著称。华人从150年前的西部开发修建铁路到今天全面开花的高科技、金融业、政治、高等教育、艺 术、电影等很多方面为美国的建设作出了巨大的贡献。然而今天在美国主流媒体上还有很多对华人的负面报道, 华人为建设这个国家做的贡献却很少获得承认。而华裔和亚裔经历的苦难和不平等对待(例如绝无仅有的“排华法案”)也很少在历史书上提起。如果亚裔/华裔在 这个国家历史上巨大的贡献和不平等遭遇可以像黑人历史那样写满从小学到大学的课本,我们华人在争取自己平等权益的时候, 在关键的问题上(例如平等入学、平等就业升职机会等), 舆论上会好很多。
这 是一个艰巨的任务。几年前,亚太公共事务联盟(APAPA)开始了迈出了第一步:为了让更多的美国人和主流社会了解和肯定华人对这个国家的诸多贡献,亚太 公共事务联盟成立了CRRW150特别工作小组,配合斯坦福大学、纽约、香港地方政府和美国联邦政府、主流媒体等, 展开了还原华工建设美国太平洋铁路做出巨大贡献这段历史的工作。

亚 太公共事务联盟从今年五月开始在加州举办了纪念华工建设美国太平洋铁路150週年 (150th Anniversary Celebration/ Chinese Building The US Transcontinental Railroad) 的系列活动, 其中包括筹款将在当年名华工在极其恶劣环境下,冒着生命危险的修建中央太平洋铁路的地方盖一座历史的纪念碑。亚太公共事务联盟的系列活动得到了多位美国两 院国会议员的支持。
亚太公共事务联盟铁路华工历史图片展 (Historical Photo Exhibition) 在斯坦福大学展览于11月18号结束之后, 12月1日至9日移至纽约法拉盛的纽约华侨文教中心举行。
展览地点:132-33 41 Road, Flushing, NY 11355
在 2015年2月,国会议员孟昭文 Grace Meng就这个提出一项议案:发行一枚邮票以纪念1865至1869年间为修建中央太平洋铁路作出了巨大的贡献的中国铁路工人,相关决议已提交给国会监督 与政府改革委员会。议案如果通过,公民邮票设计谘询委员应向邮政署长建议发行这枚纪念邮票。

最近,国会议员孟昭文与 US Asia Institute发起的“签署请愿书”的倡议活动,要求邮政署长发行一张庆祝建设美国太平洋铁路150週年及纪念美国华工当年对建设美国铁路作出的巨大贡献的邮票。

1. 请在发行邮票纪念华工当年建设美国铁路的请愿书上签名。长按下图的二维码可以直接去请愿书上签名。

2. 带着家人尤其是孩子参观(纽约法拉盛)铁路华工历史图片展。

3. 举手之劳, 转发这篇文章,让更多人知道亚太公共事务联盟纪念华工建设美国太平洋铁路150週年的系列活动(纽约铁路华工历史图片展), 和国会议员孟昭文与US Asia Institute发起的请愿书。让更多人了解这段不能忘却的历史。
附录:转载由Jia Liu翻译的《跨洲铁路通车150周年纪念邮票请愿书》

作 为这个历史大事件中的无名英雄,一万二千多名中国移民修建了跨洲铁路的西段,他们构成了中央太平洋铁路公司80%以上的劳动力。他们中的许多人冒著生命 危险工作,并因此在严冬和危险的工作环境中丧生。他们面临著偏见、低工资、社会隔离、有时甚至还有死亡的威胁。据斯坦福大学的文献,华工做著最困难最危险 的工作, 赚取的报酬却不到其他工人的叁分之一。

近 1200名中国工人死於各类安全事故、雪崩和爆破,比例高达10%!在自身被迫忍受危险艰难的工作条件的同时,中国铁路工人依然勇敢地挺身而出,组织起 来为了更公平的工资和更安全的工作环境而努力!他们的奉献与努力不仅把我们的国家连为一体,也为包括移民和本国工人在内的所有的工人争取到了改善的待遇和 安全的工作环境。





Please sign this petition to ask for a Stamp to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and Its Workers


The Transcontinental Railroad was without question one of the most monumental engineering feats of the 19th century. It reduced cross-country travel times from six months to a single week! This, in turn, facilitated domestic commerce, and was the backbone of economic prosperity enjoyed by the United States of America in the years after its completion.

The unsung heroes of this landmark moment of progress, 12,000 Chinese immigrants constructed the western section of the Transcontinental Railroad, comprising more than 80 percent of the workforce of the Central Pacific Railroad Company. Many of these workers risked their lives and perished during the harsh winters and dangerous working conditions. They faced prejudice, low wages, social isolation, and sometimes even death. Stanford University cites they earned one third less than than the other workers and were given the most difficult and dangerous jobs.Nearly 1,200 Chinese workers died from work accidents, avalanches, and explosions (1 out of every 10).

Despite the dangerous and challenging working conditions they were forced to endure, Chinese railroad workers courageously took a stand to organize for fairer wages and safer working conditions. Their efforts not only bridged our nation together, they advanced the cause of good, safe jobs for all workers, immigrant and native workers alike.

In February 2015, Congresswoman Grace Meng introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives about this very topic. Its resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, expressed that it was the sense of the House of Representatives that a commemorative postage stamp

Should be issued in honor of the Chinese railroad workers from 1865 to 1869, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.

May 10, 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the day the final stake was driven into the ground, completing the Transcontinental Railroad. These unsung heroes who paved the way for modern America with their lives deserve to be memorialized on a U.S. postage stamp to commemorate this anniversary. Let's make it happen.

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