
11-17-05, 星期四

(2005-11-17 20:26:29) 下一个

早上睁开眼睛,第一件事就是爬出温暖的被窝,拉开窗帘,果然是今冬第一场雪,虽然不大,却也别有一番滋味。当我换上一种欢迎的,喜乐的心情,冬天在我的眼里也变得可爱起来。天气可真冷,一路上行人们都缩手缩脚的行色匆匆。下了车,我没有像往常一样逃向office, 而是勇敢的抬起头,站定,深呼一口冰凉的空气,环视四周。 站在高高的停车场六楼,可以清楚地俯览整个校园。风很急,雪花快速的上下翻飞着,天色灰黯,一种淡淡的忧愁笼罩着我头顶这片天空。也许这将是我生命中在校园里度过的最后一个冬天。很多年以后,除了对过往青春的眷恋,我还能记得现在的心情吗?等待毕业的日子总是那么的焦虑不安,喜怒无常。 


路上听到一首老歌 “LANDSLIDE” ,written by Stevie Nicks at 1975. This song is a reflection of her bittersweet relations with him at that time, as well as a reflection of the changes she was experiencing in her life.  故事发生在Aspen, Colorado. 山顶上,他和她发生了严重争执,于是他一怒之下开车离开了大雪覆盖的Rocky Mountain, 而把她抛在了山顶。就是在这样的背景下,伤心欲绝的她写下了这首动人的歌。Rocky Mountain 肯定是Stevie的伤心之地,相爱的人也相互折磨。昨天一个老阿姨问我“年轻人老是爱得死去活来,真的是这样吗?都是小说电视里写写骗人的吧?”我无语。真的吗,真的吗?我想一定有些人是这样的,虽然不包括我。我们是太理性了,每一天都按照schedule/calendar 执行,计划工作,计划休假,甚至计划每天晚餐吃什么,哪有什么死去活来的时间?! 我们只是万万千千的饮食男女之一。 


I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
'Till the landslide brought me down
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life
Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
Oh, take my love, take it down
Climb a mountain and turn around
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down



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