
Big Wave of Tech 科技波波秀 is a Sexy Tech Show 快跟着迷人性感的波波姐进入最新,最酷,最领先的科技创意产品吧!

《科技波波秀 Sexy Tech Show》 CES 2015: DJI Handheld 4K Camera 中国逆天飞行器亮

(2015-07-10 15:23:35) 下一个

Published on May 22, 2015

《Big Wave of Tech》CES 2015: DJI Handheld 4K Camera 中国逆天飞行器亮相CES

DJI, known for making awesome drones (Inspire 1 and 2) just unveiled a concept handheld camera with 4K capabilities. Combining the Inspire camera along with its gimbal, all mounted on a handheld device for easy mobility. This year at CES, Miss BoBo's friend Yue was able to test out the not-yet-released camera in Vegas. What did she think of it? Let's find out!

《科技波波秀》全球首档潮流科技新媒体周播栏目。搜罗时下最新、最酷、最领先的科技创­意产品。 主持人:波波姐, 帅哥, 和徐悦在美国,!《科技波波秀》更sexy的科技。mua~ ??

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