
Big Wave of Tech 科技波波秀 is a Sexy Tech Show 快跟着迷人性感的波波姐进入最新,最酷,最领先的科技创意产品吧!

《科技波波秀 Sexy Tech Show》 Best of CES 2015

(2015-07-28 11:59:48) 下一个

《Big Wave of Tech》Best of CES 2015 独家现场体验大盘点 Polaroid, REST, Beam, Zuta, Rainbow Winters, Virtuix Garmin, DJI, BMW

CES 2015 had so many cool things, it's hard to bring you guys EVERYTHING we saw. However, Miss BoBo's friend, Yue, has narrowed it down to some highlights. And of course, don't forget to check out our in-depth episodes on Garmin, DJI, Virtuix Omni, and BMW. Here are the cool gadgets featured in our "Best of" episode:

Polaroid Socialmatic: https://www.social-matic.com/
ReST Smart Bed: http://www.restperformance.com/
Rain Winters Interactive Fashion: http://www.rainbowwinters.com/
Beam Video Conferencing Robot: https://www.suitabletech.com/beam/
ZUtA robotic printer: http://www.zutalabs.com/

Can't wait for CES 2016!!

《科技波波秀》全球首档潮流科技新媒体周播栏目。搜罗时下最新、最酷、最领先的科技创­意产品。 主持人:波波姐, 帅哥, 和徐悦在美国,!《科技波波秀》更sexy的科技。mua~
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