
谈房客犯罪 - 第一集。How to deal with it? How to evict them? 供大家参考。

(2024-03-12 05:01:34) 下一个

我和FBI 打过2 次交到。还和City Attorney 狠打了一次, because they put “Liz  Pendens” 在俺的白玉房,要没收俺的房, 充公。虽然有惊无险, 但是个lesson for me.

第一次: 我的商楼租给了一个医生。 他用来开诊所。 他开诊所的第3年。 有一天, 他的office secretary打电话给我。 She said that they moved out already.  Doctor was a good tenant and always paid rent on time.  She refused to tell me why he moved out without giving me any notice.

2天, 老公和我马上开车去诊所看。 我们到了诊所, 刚打开门。 2 个中年男人 突然走了进来。 我还没有晃过神来。 他们俩,左右一个, 站在我和老公旁。 没有穿警服。 便装。 淘出警证。 说他们是FBI.  They monitored and investigated criminal activities in this building.   我和老公被要求出示了drive license.  We told them we are landlord.  We came to check our building because Doctor XXX called that he moved out.  FBI 说, 如果有情况要通知police.  They have monitored my building for a while.  正在拘捕 Doctor.  他 犯了Medicare fraud 罪。 骗了政府many millions.  老公和我 答应愿意配合FBI.

 我的buidling was supposed to monitor for another 3 months.   Because the clinics was closed and tenant moved out.  Tenant abandoned my building.  Luckily, I was able to advertise again without eviction.   But I had to take care the medical hazard waste.   Doctor left two baskets of medical waste.   You can not discharge the waste into garbage can or sewer line.  所以, 租诊所的地主们, 一定要小心。 You have to call special medical disposal company.   不要猜, 大家知道我被罚了个狠的。 据说, FBI 在Florida finally 逮捕了Doctor.  My building was finally cleared.  

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