


(2024-11-01 07:41:34) 下一个
1. 灵魂是对应物质而存在的暗物质,是能量场气场,具有自我意识。
2. 灵魂可以脱离物质而单独存在,可以自我移动。
3. 因为暗物质极化产生收缩的物质和膨胀的暗能量,所以,灵魂的存在方式一般是:收缩的能量-能量场气场-膨胀的暗能量,就是物质-暗物质-暗能量的三位一体。
4. 灵魂具有原先物质的形状和结构。
5. 所谓的有别于物质空间的另外一个空间,就是暗物质-暗能量空间,灵魂就存在于暗物质-暗能量空间。从三位一体的角度看,物质空间,和暗物质-暗能量空间,其实是一个空间。只不过人的视力看不见暗物质-暗能量空间。
6. 灵魂是物质-暗物质-暗能量的三位一体,具有意识思维能力,所以濒死体验的第一条就是思维清晰,这是灵魂的功能,在正常人的思维中,也是以灵魂为主去意识思维。也就是说,人的意识思维,主要是人的灵魂,而不是物质性的大脑组织。而物质性的大脑组织只是辅助性的,帮助灵魂去思维。
7. 生命肉体是灵魂居住的卧室,假如这个卧室不适合灵魂居住,灵魂可以离开卧室,到外面去。这就是灵魂离体:许多经历者报告在灵魂离体时观察到周围环境,并能准确描述当时发生的事情。
8. 肉体是灵魂的卧室,这个卧室可能没有窗户,这就是盲人的状况。但是,一旦,灵魂离开肉体,就是离开卧室,就可以看见卧室以外的东西。这就是盲人能看:即使是失明者,在濒死体验中也能获得正常或超常的视觉能力。
9. 灵魂在暗物质-暗能量空间获取信息,都是直接的,没有认识学习过程,所以,幼儿体验:幼儿的濒死体验往往超出他们年龄所能理解的范围。
10. 暗物质-暗能量空间,具有宇宙一致性,灵魂进入暗物质-暗能量空间,所以具有超越民族文化:不同文化中的濒死体验具有惊人的相似性,表明这是人类共同的现象。
11. 灵魂的存在形式是收缩的能量-能量场气场-膨胀的暗能量,其中的收缩的能量-膨胀的暗能量是记录一生的载体,灵魂的主角,暗物质可以回顾浏览其中的收缩的能量-膨胀的暗能量记载的影像资料,这就是人生全景回顾:许多经历者能够快速回顾自己的一生,包括与他人的互动感受。
12. 灵魂不死,在暗物质-暗能量空间依然活跃存在,所以,遇到故人:在濒死体验中,许多人报告与已故亲友相遇。辛迪(Cyndi)在濒死体验中这样描述:“我看到父亲坐在桌子的一头。他抬头看着我,这确实让我感到惊讶,因为他已经去世快一年了。”
13. 暗物质-暗能量空间中的暗能量,就是神时空,所以,与神相遇:许多经历者描述遇到一种光明生命或神秘存在,感受到无条件的爱与接纳。
14. 暗物质-暗能量,充满了正能量,让人积极向上,所以,升华人生,增强使命,这个现象是指濒死体验积极影响一个人的人生观,增强人的使命感,增强信仰和减少对死亡的恐惧。经历了濒死体验的人,最常描述的一个变化是人生观、信仰和价值观的改变。
15. 总结以上濒临体验,我们可以得出暗物质和暗能量的形象化结论,暗物质就是灵魂看见的已故亲人,暗能量就是灵魂看见的天堂。当然,这是最形象化的,也是濒临体验最常看到的。这帮助我们,暗物质不神秘,暗能量不神秘,通过濒临体验,可以看到。

The summary of the characteristics of the soul in the space-time ladder theory:
1. The soul is dark matter that exists in correspondence with matter, it is an energy Qi field and has self-awareness.
2. The soul can exist independently of matter and can move by itself.
3. Because the polarization of dark matter produces contracting matter and expanding dark energy, the existence of the soul is generally: contracting energy-energy Qi field-expanding dark energy, which is the trinity of matter-dark matter-dark energy.
4. The soul has the shape and structure of the original matter.
5. The so-called other space different from the material space is the dark matter-dark energy space, and the soul exists in the dark matter-dark energy space. From the perspective of the trinity, the material space and the dark matter-dark energy space are actually one space. It's just that human vision cannot see the dark matter-dark energy space.
6. The soul is the trinity of matter-dark matter-dark energy, and has the ability of conscious thinking. Therefore, the first item of the near-death experience is clear thinking, which is the function of the soul. In the thinking of normal people, the soul is also the main conscious thinking. That is to say, human consciousness and thinking are mainly human souls, not material brain tissue. Material brain tissue is only auxiliary, helping the soul to think.
7. The living body is the bedroom where the soul lives. If the bedroom is not suitable for the soul to live, the soul can leave the bedroom and go outside. This is the soul leaving the body: many experiencers report that they observe the surrounding environment when the soul leaves the body and can accurately describe what happened at the time.
8. The body is the bedroom of the soul. This bedroom may not have windows, which is the situation of the blind. However, once the soul leaves the body, that is, leaves the bedroom, it can see things outside the bedroom. This is what the blind can see: even the blind can gain normal or extraordinary visual abilities in the near-death experience.
9. The soul obtains information in the dark matter-dark energy space directly, without the process of cognitive learning, so the experience of young children: the near-death experience of young children often exceeds the scope of their age.
10. Dark matter-dark energy space has cosmic consistency. Souls enter dark matter-dark energy space, so they transcend national culture: near-death experiences in different cultures have striking similarities, indicating that this is a common phenomenon among humans.
11. The existence of the soul is contracted energy-energy field aura-expanded dark energy, in which the contracted energy-expanded dark energy is the carrier of a lifetime, the protagonist of the soul, and dark matter can review the video data recorded by the contracted energy-expanded dark energy. This is a panoramic review of life: many experiencers can quickly review their lives, including their interactions with others.
12. The soul is immortal and still exists actively in the dark matter-dark energy space, so you can meet old friends: in near-death experiences, many people report meeting deceased relatives and friends. Cyndi described her near-death experience as follows: "I saw my father sitting at the end of the table. He looked up at me, which really surprised me because he had been dead for almost a year."
13. Dark matter-dark energy space, the dark energy, is the God space-time, so, encounter with God: many experiencers describe encountering a bright life or mysterious existence, feeling unconditional love and acceptance.
14. Dark matter-dark energy, full of positive energy, makes people positive, so it sublimates life and enhances mission. This phenomenon refers to the near-death experience positively affecting a person's outlook on life, enhancing a person's sense of mission, strengthening faith and reducing fear of death. The most common change described by people who have experienced near-death experiences is the change in outlook on life, beliefs and values.
15. Summarizing the above near-death experiences, we can draw a figurative conclusion about dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter is the deceased relatives seen by the soul, and dark energy is the heaven seen by the soul. Of course, this is the most figurative and most commonly seen near-death experience. This helps us, dark matter is not mysterious, dark energy is not mysterious, through near-death experience, we can see.

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