
实盘群历史统计:3~9月 +40%,只要跟入点,设止损,等7天

(2015-11-09 20:26:09) 下一个

感谢热心群友的历史统计(从每日总结 email 中用程序自动提取出来的)

Executive summary:

实盘群的历史统计,3~9月 +40%,只要跟入点,设止损,等7天

历史统计zip文件下载 微盘 link:


from: xxx Attachments 8:16 AM (6 hours ago)
to <liusix-stock-classroom@googlegroups.com>

Hi All,
I mentioned a couple days ago that holding up to 7 biz days performs the
best using this naive strategy. Here is the spreadsheet you can check with 
for fun.

The strategy is really simple and even naive:

1. buy the stock at the close price at the date when Liusix shout,
2. set up a 8% stop loss immediately
3. get out either when the stock hit the stop price or sell it at the close 
price when the time is mature, i.e., hold up to certain number of business 

if you sum over each column labeled with 'profit', you'll see that holding
up to 7 biz days has the most profit: allocating 10% of your asset for each
pick and using this naive strategy would have given over 40% total return by
now. The problem is that the number of stock you would hold could be over
50, which is not practical unless your broker provides an insane margin.
This is not a suggestion or any kind, just some fact with this particular
strategy I'd like to share with you.
I prepare this spreadsheet with data from CC's daily summaries, and filter
in picks there that is supposed to be from Liusix, and get rid of Liusix's
general suggestion, group friends' questions etc, and it's very likely that
some precious info gets lost. If any of you find this interested, maybe we
can make it more accurate.
I didn't follow the extract buy price and stopped price given by Liusix
since it would be a harder task. And I didn't include option picks for the
same reason.
Just for fun and happy trading.

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