经文: 诗篇27 「耶和华啊, 求祢将祢的道指教我, …引导我走平坦的路。」 诗27:11 |
Scripture: Psalm 27 "Teach me your way, LORD; lead me in a straight path." —Psalm 27:11 |
今天当我们思想诗篇27篇时, 让我们在每一个要点之后加上「神必会开路」, 作为我们的回应吧。
我们的责任, 不是要看到这条路、认识这条路、或开发这条路, 我们只需要与神一起走过迂回复杂的人生路, 或者等候神继续带领我们前进。神会在祂所定的时间, 施恩典为我们开路的。 |
As we think about Psalm 27 today, let's insert "God will make a way" as a response to each point. Our job is not to see the way or know the way or make the way, but to walk forward with God through the tangles of life or to wait with God till he leads us further. And in his time God in his grace will make a way. |
祷告满有丰盛恩典的神, 今天我们求祢赐信心, 叫我们相信祢一定会带领我们走在祢的道路上, 因为祢是掌管一切道路的神。奉耶稣基督的名祈求, 阿们。 |
PrayerGod of abounding grace, we pray today for faith to trust you, the God of all ways, to guide us always in your way. Through Jesus Christ, Amen. |