
雪中梅 (热门博主)
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(2018-02-23 08:55:17) 下一个









                《Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way》

  In Britain there is an old proverb which says: 'where there is a will there is a way.' This proverb means that a person with determination will find a way to succeed in doing something. It tells people that it is very important to have resolution. If you are to accomplish a task successfully, you must make a resolution before carrying it out. Only in  this way can you have the courage to conquer the difficulties you may encounter. If you haven't a firm determination to accomplish the task, you cannot withstand frustrations on the way to success, and in the end you will gain nothing.”

  as a rule, men of strength accomplish great tasks. In history great men achieved successes because they had strength. They might suffer repeated setbacks, but they never became discouraged, and finally won the victory. Have you ever heard the story of Madame Curie? She was the woman who discovered radium. She won the Nobel Prize for this discovery. However, it wasn't easy to win this honor. She did one experiment after another. She failed many times, but she didn't lose heart. It was because she went on with her research that her hard work paid off in the end.

  A student who has no resolution will never succeed in his studies. Do you wish to make great progress in your studies? Do you dream of becoming a great man in the future? If you do, you must never forget what the proverb says: 'Where there is a will there is a way.' No matter how many difficulties there are in our way, never lose heart , and do as the proverb directs you to do . Then you'll find that you are a successful man."

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雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 古诗无名氏的一首励志诗:“疾风知劲草,烈火炼真金。不经寒霜苦,安能香袭人。锋自磨砺出,玉乃雕琢成。人而不苦练,焉能艺精深。”
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓青' 的评论 : 欢迎光临,谢谢留言,平安是福。总是鼓励自己去读研,可是总是东一耙子西一扫帚,到现在都没有成。
晓青 回复 悄悄话 很励志!