
A fight we can win

(2015-01-15 08:08:00) 下一个

A fight we can win

In 2006 I found that I had cancer in both lungs and lymph nodes. It was two different kinds of cancer, though. I went thru a surgery and was told I had 6 months to live. I requested a 2nd opinion and went to another hospital.

A team of cancer doctors got my records and agreed I had stage IV cancer. I went thru a series new treatments, both chemo and radiation, and came out good until 2008.

It had spread into the brain. Again stage IV. Went thru new treatments again of surgery, chemo and radiation. This was very strong new drugs. Came out again in good shape. 2011 new tumors were found in my right lung. A new round of radiation and it worked again.

Whether it is the work of very good doctors, attitude, or more important God, I am still here.

I do try to help others to know "Never Give Up".

Delane, NC


I quit smoking in 2007 and felt lucky that I had avoided getting lung cancer.
Well, sadly that's not the way it works. It can take years for the damage done
by smoking to cause cancer to develop in your lungs. In 2010 during a routine
physical, a small nodule was discovered in the right lower lobe of my lung. I
did lots of research and most of the news was pretty grim. Survival stats for
lung cancer hover around 5%. However, I found one web site hosted by the man who co-founded H&R Block who survived Stage IV lung cancer for 25 years (Ulitmately died of a heart attack at 78 years old).
He gave several good pieces of advice and the first one was to stop looking at the
stats. The 2nd was, get yourself to the nearest multidiscipline cancer center you can. Hospitals that specialize in cancer have all the newest treatments available. They have teams of doctors that will review your particular situation. They get most of the research monies and have information on the available clinical trials. And of course they attract the top doctors in their field.
I was fortunate to live only 90 minutes from the Seidman Cancer Ctr. The lower
right lobe of my lung was removed. I had 4 sessions of adjuvant chemotherapy
(combination folate antimetabolite / Cisplatin chemotherapy) in the summer of
So far, No Evidence of Disease. I am looking forward to beating the statistics. I
will say that whether it was the surgery or the combo of that plus chemo, it
has changed me physically. I am not quite the same. I worry a little more. I
have more minor aches and pains. Not sure it's because of what my body went
through, but some how I feel like it is.
Pat, IA
Diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer February 20, 2013. MRI and PET scans showed 3 other locations including brain, lumbar and sacrum areas. Had brain radiation 5 days
and lung for 10. Stopped early on lung radiation as it was not showing any
progress. Tested positive for EGFR and have been on a reversible tyrosine
kinase inhibitor targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) for 5
weeks with excellent results.
8/13/13: The reversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor has done an amazing job. NED
in 3 out of the 4 locations and the last one down by 2/3. Day at a time.
July 2014: The reversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor has stopped working and am
now in a clinical trial for a third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor here
in San Diego. So far results are really good.

Keeping a running blog at: craigblower.wordpress.com
Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center has up-to- date clinical trial for all types of stage IV lung cancer. Here is the website link:
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