一位朋友的女儿今年没有考上纽约重点高中。因为父母不懂英文,孩子在老师的推荐和协助下第二次(second round)报考了一些学校。通知下来后,前两个志愿都未录取,要她去的学校是Queens High School for Information,Research and Technology。
Asian 4%
Black 54%
Hispanic 39%
White 3%
Free lunch 80%
Special Ed 17%
English Language learners 14%
Are students ready for college? 8% 27% citywide average
大学做好了准备8% ;纽约市平均27%
How many students graduated in four years and enrolled in
college? 60% 63% citywide average
60% 高中四年毕业后进入大学60%; 纽约市63%
SAT 英文平均分377 数学376
Our review:Located in the Far Rockaway
Educational Complex, the Queens High School for
Information, Research and Technology has a partnership with the Queens Public
Library to teach students research skills. However, the school struggles with
violence and student engagement. It has had three principals since it opened in
2008. Students must pass through a metal detector to enter the building
and there are often long lines. In the Learning
Environment Survey, nearly half of teachers reported that the school does not help
students develop challenging learning goals. Two-thirds of teachers
said that crime and violence, especially gang activity, are a
problem. The school has a history of high teacher turnover since opening: half
of the staff left in 2009-10.