
生活,要活的自在,不落井下石,要有信仰. 要反思成长

很喜欢 Dr. Ben Carson, 希望他会赢这届竟选

(2015-09-07 19:01:14) 下一个

以防被屈解, 首先声明 这贴 不争钱, 反而 花我的时间和精力。 我即不是共和党, 也不是民主党,我也不认识 Dr. Ben Carson 和他的团队。

Watched a movie, The Gifted Hand, which is based on Dr, Ben Carson's book.  ( someone else mentioned about him few days ago). A very inspiring movie.  My son mentioned to me that, he also watched at school.

Dr. Ben Carson gre我up from single mom family. His mom grew up from foster family and does not know how to read, and she hoped her children will kow how to read.  Dr. Carson was viewed as poor performnace student at the begining, but later on with courage form one teacher ( who also found he has eye problem adn suggested to his mom that, Ben needs a eye-glasses ... ) and his mom, he went to Yale, then went to John Hoopkins, and the first doctor to separate joint- twins ....

Me and my husband has been fans of him. Ever since we heard about his announcement, we became excited, finally there is someone intellgent, has courage, believe in everyone has responsibility ( I understand as nothing free .... ) ,  has some idea to aovid "abuse the welfare system" ...

I am ok to support the poor, but I am not ok to see the system being abused.  I saw many times in the past  ....  when iphone first came out, I was battling if I should get one, but I saw already some my son's classmate who are on welfare ( free school lunch program) already use it;  I saw peope who is livng on welfare, but can affort 15 days cruise ( not a gift ), I saw many fellow parents who came here living in low-incoming housing, but brag as being dorctors/prefessors/officers/ with houses in BeiJing, ShanHai, etc...   it is said that, 45% americans are belong to low income....  I hope the poor at least give a try on their part, do some vounlteer work as they can, teach their kids to work hard/study hard, etc. ( like Dr. Ben Carson's mom )..... do not just asking for money ....


-- a link about Dr Ben Carson's Gifted Hand summary ................


--- copied some words about his party history -----

who grew up poor in Detroit and rose to success as a doctor at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Maryland, made the paperwork change in his new home state of Florida. He filed the paperwork in Palm Beach County.

“It’s truly a pragmatic move because I have to run in one party or another. If you run as an independent, you only risk splitting the electorate,” Mr. Carson told The Washington Times in an interview Tuesday night shortly after making the change. “I clearly would not be welcome in the Democratic Party, and so that only leaves one party.

“Fortunately, the fit is pretty good,” he added. “I believe in reasonable sized government. I believe in personal responsibility. I believe in individual freedom. And I believe in creating an environment to let free markets grow our economy. And all of that is very consistent with being a Republican.”

Mr. Carson said he grew up a Democrat but switched his party affiliation to Republican in the 1980s after listening to Ronald Reagan.

“Like most Democrats who were black I was told most Republicans were evil, racist people. But then I started listening to Ronald Reagan and I thought God it just makes so much sense. Let me investigate this,” said Mr. Carson, who writes a column for The Washington Times.

Mr. Carson said he switched to being an independent about 15 to 20 years ago after getting a “sour taste” watching Republicans who had their own personal foibles impeach President Clinton over an extramarital affair. “I just saw so much hypocrisy in both parties,” he explained.

Mr. Carson said it made sense to make his party switch now, well before he decides next spring whether to run for the White House.

“If I make the decision to run, then I clearly don’t want to be backtracking and do something in a hurry. It’s one of those things I wanted to be thinking about far ahead.”

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