

We Don\'t Want the Dirty Bomb and Stink the Silicon Valley

(2015-02-15 14:50:52) 下一个

I want the SJ planning commissioners to deny the expansion permit and close the dump ASAP or retire it when the max capacity is reached, instead, after finishing odor study and mitigating the odor, the dump can stay there forever.
Let me tell you why I don't want the dump to stay in the heart of Silicon Valley :

1. It puts residents' health in danger, even they use chemicals to mitigate the odor but the harmful elements are still in the air and plus more sweet smell chemicals mixed in the air (they may be not good for humans as well). Moreover, some harmful air is odorless that humans' nose can't detect, such as methane gas.

2. Decision makers can't put garbage above people. The CEQA says any project proposed can't cause significant environmental effects. To measure the significances' thresholds, first one, the Newby dump is too close to humans, 0.2-.5 miles away, another one is the confirmed odor complaints, Newby has 27 times or more higher than significant effects measurement.

3. To survive, garbage doesn't need groceries, hospitals, shopping malls, restaurants, schools, and offices, but humans do. Therefore we can move garbage to remote area but can't ask humans to move away from garbage and live in remote areas.

4. Republic is not an ethic or good neighbor to be associated with. They generate toxic air, violate the CEQA, cover up odor study result that against them and manipulate research data.

5. The expansion project is a project that slowly kills people. Decision makers need to live in the odor impacted area to be leagible to make decision for us and be able to make a right decision. I can use my life to bid that if the decision makers are one of odor victims and they have no way to escape from this harmful environment, he/she will not vote yes on this slowly killing people project.

For those who vote or in favor of the expansion project or want the dump to stay, they need to switch their houses with the dump victims' houses or move close to the dump in order for them to enjoy the wonderful garbage mountain view.

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