


(2014-08-20 14:49:43) 下一个

各位高手,我的工资大都存入 401K 退休帐户了, 为了省点税。现在孩子念研究生,
是用我的 Pre-Tax dollars 好呢, 还是用学生贷款? 请赐教。谢了。

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mesa 回复 悄悄话 当然是 student loan. 这还要想吗?
无知无为 回复 悄悄话 我建议你让孩子参与你的决定,如此她他可以与你分享这个决定所带来的未来(而不是相互抱怨)。可以兼顾综合几个方案,如申请资助、鼓励孩子勤工俭学等。另外选择学校,如是天才当然上常青藤有资助,不然可以选择州内或职业学校。去查一查如今美国本科毕业找不到工作的多如牛毛,不少毕业生还重新花钱上职校呢
car88 回复 悄悄话 No question at all... student loan. Why? Your retirement fund is your money. Your kid would definitely make more money than you make in his/her life so obviously he/she should pay his/her own student loan.
smileJJ 回复 悄悄话 Blue Crab is so right. Get ready for your retirement first. Someone will loan your kid for education, but no one will loan you for retirement.
bobo197 回复 悄悄话 what are your concerns?
Blue.Crab 回复 悄悄话 From an investment viewpoint, you should not borrow against your retirement unless it is a real life or death emergency because (1) it is your last defense against uncertainty in life (2) The return on 401K investment is usually far better than the interest paid on student loans; your kid can pay off his/her student loans in 20, 30 or even 40 years (3) There are serious consequence and penalty if you can not pay the money back to your 401K.
Blue.Crab 回复 悄悄话 It depends on your financial situation. Student loans have fairly low interest rate. I believe that most of Anglo American students will chose to use student loans instead of letting parents to pay for it in this kind of circumstance, especially use parents' retirement money. Please forgive me, your kid in his/her 20s has no sense of honor and pride.