这一次,金笔铁定了主意要去参加奥运火炬在旧金山的传递仪式,为了伦敦,巴黎的那些留学生们,还有那位跟我同 "姓" 的小妹妹金晶,我怎么也得尽自己的一份力,一是为了祖国的百年奥运梦圆,二是为了提醒世人咱中国人要和平反对暴力。
这次为了壮声势,将自己家的 "宝贝" 也带上一个 (家里正在做装修,太太走不开),为的是感受一下咱中国人的力量。不过在忙乱中,也出了一桩 "溴事儿",照相机的电池给忘在了充电器里,所以这次拍的照片用的是手机。
我们虽然去得早,但是座的 MUNI 在半道不往前开了,要我们从四街和 Market 的街口下来转车。在转车的地方,几个法Lun功的人士在那里散发传单诬蔑北京奥运。 但是后来我发现除了看见有两个带有 "唐" 字的男女在采访白人弟兄外,法Lun功的人没有混杂到我们欢迎火炬的队列里来捣乱。
后来我们转上了 30 路公车很快来到 AT&T Park (这里是旧金山棒球队 Giants 的球场)。这时候虽然还早,街口上已经聚集了不少来为北京奥运火炬助兴的同胞们。

这里是三街 (3rd St.) 和 King Street 的街口,一队队的中国同胞们也在慢慢地聚集过来。这时看见一个可以签名的横幅,是支持北京奥运的,我们也挤了进去,将自己的名字划上。

再往前走,意外的看见了两个老相识,聊了一聊,大家都对藏独和 "人权斗士" 们的行径感到气愤和不齿,所以这次要站出来,表达我们对祖国奥运的坚定支持。不一会,身边的中国人越聚越多,到处都是五星红旗。


这时候,也看到一些藏独分子和白人的 "人权斗士" 和缅甸的 "持不同政见者" 们混在一起,从我们的身后走过,同胞们各自用不同的创新方法来对付他们,显然同胞们的斗志都很高。这些人的数量不是很多,我们跟他们的对比起码是十比一。身边一个扛着五星红旗的同胞跟我聊了起来,他也是旧金山的居民,并对我说 "再过二十年,这些人就硬不起来了!" 这话听了让我感动。



于是我们赶忙请教几个打着五星红旗的年轻同胞,下一步该怎么走。有人告诉我沿著三街走到 Market St.,然后再右转,向海边走到 Montgomery 的街口,于是我们就沿著三街往 Market 走,然后再右转。其实我心里知道火炬是看不到的了,可是我继续留在他们中间走下去。


到了 Montgomery St.,这里的气氛显然比 AT&T Park 要差多了,呆了一会儿,觉得实在不会有啥事发生了,决定回家。虽然火炬没有看到,但我觉得心里挺自豪的,爱国不是请客吃饭!
我们自己也可以想想,其实藏族人和汉族人的差别还是很大的。所谓西藏自古以来就是中国的 "固有" 领土,实际上是一句空话,什么是叫 "固有" 呢?假如西藏不处于西南内地,或许早就象韩国和越南一样,独立出去了 (各位看清楚了,金笔这里用的是 "独力出去了",我不是藏独!)。
打一个通俗的比方,隔壁的张家老伯因为拣到了一只装满金钱的皮包,反复寻找失主无果后,他将这钱归给他自己,于是他发了家。渐渐的他和他的家人们认为这钱是他们自己的,可是知道实情的邻居们是永远不会承认这钱是张家的,他们会一直这样认为 "张家是因为拣到了一大笔钱" 才发的。人家为什么要承认这钱是你 (张家) 的东西呢?!
金笔今天这样说,就是要提醒国人们,千万不要做鸵鸟! 别以为跟别人说了一千遍 "西藏是中国的固有领土",就以为没事了。其实这个世界上,除了我们中国人自己,其余国家的人士 (除了官方的表态) 永远不会认同西藏是中国的。
如果大家都跟我一样有了这样的忧患意识,那么处理西藏和新疆问题的答案就很明显了。唯一的路就是民族同化和民族融合! 民族同化对藏族同胞来说也应该是一件好事情,汉人和藏人携手共同跨入二十一世纪新时代。
如果藏文化还存在,那么藏独的危险也就存在。只要有几个藏人 (或后裔) 在那里叫唤,世界人民 (特别是西方) 就永远会只听他们说的,而不会在意我们 (还包括国内的藏族同胞们) 说的话。所以我们就是每天跟他们争,辩论,都是没用的。
但达赖喇嘛和美国最怕的就是藏文化消失,如果藏文化真的消失了,藏独的危险就从根本上消除了! 国家政府和人民一定要擦亮眼睛,不能够仅止于高喊 "西藏自古以来就是中国的固有领土" 的口号,一定要有相应的行动。
昨天就有年轻同事讨论对奥运火炬的抗议活动时,半开玩笑地当著金笔面喊 "Free Tibet!",当然老金也不吃素,大大方方地响亮回他们一句 "Yeah, if it was one hundred years ago, possibly. But not possible any more, do you know how to (free tibet)? hah-hah!"
实际上,我们也不用跟他们较真,因为西藏现在还在我们的手里,好好的,跑不出去的。所以我们得了便宜,顺便也卖点儿乖。有时候我会私底下跟他们谈谈,"They (tibetans) had their chance to become independent, but they lost it. That is too bad for them. Now I just wish they all live peacefully together. Because tibet has water resource and many other mines, it is too important to China and China will never let it go. Will you let Taxas become independent? of cause not!"
SO THEY NOW UNDERSTAND,这个世界的永恒真理是:武力当后盾。
第二个话题是这次美国人在旧金山组织的抗议活动 (除外于法Lun功,藏独等组织),在背后操纵和组织集会的是 moveon.org 这个组织,这是金笔亲耳从同事处得到的消息。
moveon.org 是一个非常激进的左派组织。在民主党总统候选人竞选中,他们支持奥巴马,原因就是因为希拉丽·克林顿对伊战的态度激怒了他们。
另外,以你的观点,你应该是已经接受了一个国家应该只是一个民族:“我们自己也可以想想,其实藏族人和汉族人的差别还是很大的。所谓西藏自古以来就是中国的 "固有" 领土,实际上是一句空话,什么是叫 "固有" 呢?假如西藏不处于西南内地,或许早就象韩国和越南一样,独立出去了”
I think we can just take it easy. It actual refects the actual power of a country.
We are still not jet world number one, and the way is still far.
We can just focus the most practical things, that is good.
And just because such comical situation, Chinese become more close, that is good.
加一句话: 这样偷偷摸摸的火炬传递简直是中国政府的绝大耻辱!查一下奥运火炬传递的历史,还有这样糟糕的吗!
靠,这么声势浩大,在你眼里是偷偷摸摸亚。。那你咋知道火炬刚从美国传完啊?? 切。。。
火炬传递路线是中国政府能够决定的么? 你连这个都不知道,在这个帖子里面混。。可笑
‘为何95%以上的藏族人都对中国政府不满?’你从哪只眼镜看到的? 你去过西藏?你亲眼看过,还是亲耳挺过???
bullshit. you settle down there first.
但无论他怎样百般表演 , 戏总有收场的时候.
简单意思:中国人太多了,火炬从他们中间走真是太顺利不过了,他们那阵势,令“藏独”窒息。不能让中国人得逞。看到这局势,我是最后一分钟做出的决定:给火炬手两个选择, 要不整个活动取消,要不就改程。
你们一定要读,不要怕生气就不读, 看一看这些美国人是怎样把如此卑鄙的事情还包装得有头有面的。 这一套, 比那些法国人还有心计啊!
THE FIX: Pro-China crowds attempt to stifle dissenters
For all the talk of protests leading up to the Olympic torch relay, we didn't hear much from the supporters of China.
We learned why early on Wednesday morning. They planned to take over the event.
By 10 a.m. at AT&T Park, where the torch run was supposed to begin, it was obvious that the fix was in.
Thousands of supporters were already there, unloaded from dozens of buses parked across from the ball park. (One torch relay insider told me some in the crowd had been bused from as far away as Los Angeles.) During the day Chronicle reporters were told by some supporters that they had been bused into San Francisco from the South Bay, the East Bay and Sacramento by the Chinese Consulate and Chinese American groups.
They were waving thousands of huge, red Chinese flags or holding up identical, professional-looking placards that read "Beijing, 2008, torch relay."
The official word is that the torch route was drastically changed because of "public safety," but the crowd at AT&T Park was no threat to the runners. In fact, they broke into wild cheers when someone in a torchbearer's track suit walked down the street. But mayoral spokesman Nathan Ballard might have been closer to the truth when he said that the new route let people "enjoy the torch rather than political kabuki theater."
By 1 p.m., the appointed time for the torch runners to begin the relay, the crowd had grown even bigger. China supporters far outnumbered any human rights protesters, and anyone from the small pockets of "Free Tibet" protesters was quickly surrounded by the crowd and shouted down. When a Tibet supporter held up a sign, a Chinese supporter would sidle up, the wind would catch his flag, and it would obliterate the sign from the view of the cameras.
"We suspected that the Chinese government would want a public relations spectacle," said Kate Woznow, campaign coordinator for Students for a Free Tibet. "Something that they could broadcast back home."
Those inside the command center say city officials and Mayor Gavin Newsom watched the spectacle with growing concern. Although there was a brief scuffle with "Team Tibet" supporters around a bus early in the morning, the vast majority of the crowd was flag-waving China supporters. Sending the torch down those streets would have been like providing the Chinese government with a made-for-television commercial to show that hardly anyone in San Francisco - or North America - had any qualms about human rights abuses in China.
Newsom won't come out and say that, but he did concede that he took the decision right down to the final minutes.
"Literally, at 1 o'clock, we had two choices," he said in a phone conversation en route to the closing ceremony at the airport. "We could cancel the event or move forward in a different manner. We went to the torchbearers themselves, and overwhelmingly they said they supported the change."
Taking the torch to the other side of town and skirting the whole enormous pro-China crowd at the ballpark might have improved the chances for public safety, but it also gave the torch back to San Francisco. Suddenly, it was back to the original idea, a run through the streets with a symbol of the upcoming Olympic Games, not a carefully planned political charade.
Because this, apparently, is the Chinese government's idea of free speech. They speak freely, and everyone else gets shouted down. Frankly, there is no denying that they were well organized. I took a minute to talk to a Tibetan protester, Kal Sang, but I was quickly joined by two young men who listened to the interview and began to interject derogatory comments.
"I hope America hears the voice of these people," said one of the interrupters, Jun Liu, from San Mateo. "The media pretended they would be fair, but they are not just biased, they are extremely biased."
Sang, a Tibetan from Minnesota, who had done nothing more than stand with a friend wearing a "Free Tibet" shirt, was surrounded by critics. A woman shouted at her, "You know nothing!" and "Go to Tibet to see for yourself."
"They put pressure on us," said Sang, who looked like a soccer mom. "They try to get us to push them, but we are nonviolent. We are not against the Olympics. They should hold the Olympics. But we are speaking for people who do not have a voice."
At that moment, the China supporters seemed to think that they'd carried the day. The "Free Tibet" crowd had been harassed to the point that they packed up and walked toward the Ferry Building. It appeared that the torch would be coming down the street any minute, and the news photos and video would feature thousands and thousands of cheering China supporters waving red flags.
A cocky young man walked past me and read his sign out loud, "Welcome to Beijing," he said.
It was about then that it was announced that the torch was unexpectedly up in the Marina district, running through tree-lined neighborhoods past a small crowd of ordinary people without a political point to make.
Just for future reference, China - or for that matter, anyone else: You can try to take over, but good luck. This is San Francisco.
C.W. Nevius' column appears on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. E-mail him at cwnevius@sfchronicle.com.
This is an information age, and those who control the flow of information will control public opinions, sooner or later.
单单藏独能把这点事闹得全球注目,各国同步吗? 五十年代西藏的乱因,中国指责国外敌对势力有染。 现有些国家已公布档案,他们的确有“功”。 今天同样。
从战略大局上讲, 世界上任何纷争,终其原因,都是资源的分争。
而西藏对于中国来讲--- 万 不 可 失 !!
先不用说潜在的物质资源,就只说现在, 西藏地势广袤,挟西南,控华东,俯瞰中原。 而且更重要的是, 那里有中国的水源 !! 如果那里的军队不是中国的,局势如何呢 ?
耸人听闻? 不, 一点也不! 美国已为“油源”打了十几年啦。 中国能不为自己生存打吗? 中国刚在境外找到一块石油井,那的“人权”问题不也在奥运议题上吗?
我是少数民族, 听你那么说嗝应得很。不要那么狭隘, 应该说:中华民族利益至高无上!
What he can do if he return to Tibet? almost nothing.
冲她喊SAVE AMERICA,意思是先救救每况欲下的美国吧...
没看到火炬,确实挺扫兴,连老外都说leave everyone in the cold
还有一个黑人带着一个小男孩儿,从oakland作FERRY 过来,跟我说
这是once in a life experience,所以很失望,
传圣火没有圣的感觉, 临时改变路线,躲躲藏藏的,跟做贼似的。 虽然没出什么大事情,也没有什么媒体拍下全程接力的画面,什么宣传效果也没起到。