
The Committee of 100 American Career Ceiling Dialogue, “What can

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The Committee of 100 American Career Ceiling Dialogue, “What can we do better?” on July 17, 2021


Welcoming Comments by Gary Locke, Chairman of the Committee of 100 and Panel of diverse experts led by Peter Young, Chair of the C100 Asian American Career Ceilings Initiative, host of the event, Committee of 100 Member

Recording Link:   https://youtu.be/CcCDBktaWvA


Jennifer Lee, Professor, Columbia University, Sociology

Gary Locke, Chairman of Committee of 100, Interim President of Bellevue College, former Ambassador to China, Governor of Washington State and Secretary of Commerce

Anna Mok, President, Ascend, Committee of 100 and Partner, Deloitte

Michael Morris, Professor, Columbia Business School, Asian American Career Ceiling researcher

Maeley Tom, Former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO, California State Assembly), Committee of 100

Discussion Table Leader Summaries – Group One

Recording Link: https://youtu.be/zlhWs7WlRig

Linda Akutagawa, CEO of Leap

Jeff Chen, healthcare private equity professional and board member of Apex for Youth

Matthew Choi, investment professional at Granite Point Mortgage Trust; Adjunct Professor at Columbia University

Kevin Feng, investor at Southpoint Capital, a long-short equities hedge fund

Buck Gee, retired Cisco Vice President and General Manager of the Data Center Business Unit,  expert in tech industry and corporate executive leadership, Committee of 100 member

Andrea Jang, COO, Ackman-Ziff, Real Estate Capital Advisors

Jennifer Lee, Professor, Columbia University, Sociology

Anthony Liu, Managing Director with Hines, global real estate developer investor

Gary Locke, Chairman of Committee of 100, Interim President of Bellevue College

Peter Young, CEO of Young & Partners, Life Sciences and Chemicals investment banking firm, President of Societe de Chimie Industrielle, Committee of 100 member


Committe of 100 Asian American Career Ceilings Panel on "What Can We Do Better?" on July 17, 2021



This a recording of the summary reports of the first (Group One) 10 discussion table leaders covering the best ideas from their table on the topic of "What Can We Do Better?"


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