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21天加拿大海洋省 (13) 第 17至21 日 - St Andrews, 观鲸

(2014-05-21 09:17:03) 下一个

21天加拿大海洋省 (13) 第 17至21 日 - St Andrews, 观鲸


Around the Maritimes in 21 Days (13) Day 17 to Day 21 - St Andrews / Whale watching







Halifax to St Andrews, NB 车程5至6小时.




1. Nova Scotia, Aug 20




St Andrews是一个美丽的边境海边小镇, 隔湾与美国相望.

St Andrews is a genteel summer resort town. Blessed with a fine climate and picturesque beauty, it also has a colorful history. Founded by Loyalists in 1783, it’s one of the oldest towns in the province.

上午在海边小坐, 四周一片宁静. 浪涛声已经远去, 只剩远处海鸟的叫声.

2. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


A blockhouse is a modest fortified building with a distinctive overhanging upper level. In 18th- and 19th-century North American, both Britain and the United States build many blockhouses for defense purposes. St. Andrews Blockhouse and a battery were erected by the townspeople of St. Andrews at the outbreak of the war of 1812-14 in anticipation of a seaborne attack from the United States.

When the War of 1812 broke out, the citizens of St. Andrews had little to fear from their neighbors in Maine. Not everyone in New England was a favor of the war. Despite the conflict, resolutions were passed on both sides of the border declaring a local truce.


St Andrews与美国隔湾相望, 所以修有防御碉堡. 美国和加拿大(当时的英国殖民地)素来友好, 只有1812-1814年爆发过短暂的战争. 好笑的是St Andrews的居民同Maine州的邻居达成私下的和解, 维持了这段边境的和平.

3. St. Andrews Blockhouse National Historic Site, St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


4. St. Andrews Blockhouse National Historic Site, St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


5. St. Andrews Blockhouse National Historic Site, St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



On Saint Croix Island in 1604, French nobleman-courtier Pierre Dugua Sieur de Monts established a settlement. This outpost was the first attempt by the French at year-round colonization in the territory they call la Cadie or L’Acadie.

小小的Saint Croix岛对美国和加拿大有着重要的历史意义. 1604年, 来自法国的79名开拓者在这个小岛登陆, 他们是第一批来自欧洲的永久移民. 艰苦的第一个冬天夺去了35人的生命, 剩下的44人在印地安人的帮助下幸存了下来. Saint Croix Island现在被美加共同定为国家历史遗迹.


美加两边都没有登上Saint Croix Island的渡船.

6. Saint Croix Island, St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


The experience of the French on Saint Croix Island taught them much about adapting to the environment and interacting with the Aboriginal peoples. These insights formed the foundation for an enduring French presence in northeastern North America.

早期来自法国的开拓者自称Acadians. 他们与印地安人友好相处, 在新大陆生存了下来. 英法之后对北美的争夺使Acadians受尽了苦难, 他们被驱赶到美国南方, 很多人冻饿而死, 很多家庭妻离子散. 最终用了数十年才慢慢回到故乡.

7. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



8. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



9. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



10. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



11. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



12. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


13. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



14. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



15. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



16. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21


回到St Andrews已是傍晚时分.

17. St Andrews, NB, Aug 21



St Andrews, NB to Rivière-du-Loup QC 车程4至5小时.


18. Rivière-du-Loup QC, Aug 22





Rivière-du-Loup QC to Ottawa ON 车程6至7小时.


St Lawrence河边的"艺术品". 详情请见http://www.joseluistorres.ca/bio/index.php

19. QC, Aug 24





21天加拿大海洋省 (1) 规划篇

21天加拿大海洋省 (2) 第 1/2 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (3) 第 3/4 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (4) 第 5 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (5) 第 6 日 - Joggins化石岩壁

21天加拿大海洋省 (6) 第 7 日 - 芬迪国家公园

21天加拿大海洋省 (7) 第 8/9 日 - 狂怒角,水公园,魔术山,龙虾镇, PEI跨海大桥

21天加拿大海洋省 (8) 第 10 日 - 爱德华王子岛

21天加拿大海洋省 (9) 第 11/12 日 - Hector古船博物馆, BELL纪念馆

21天加拿大海洋省 (10) 第 13 日 - 天际线小道

21天加拿大海洋省 (11) 第 14 日 - 化石博物馆, 露易斯堡要塞

21天加拿大海洋省 (12) 第 15/16 日 - Halifax堡垒, Peggy Cove灯塔

21天加拿大海洋省 (13) 第 17至21 日 - St Andrews, 观鲸

21天加拿大海洋省 (14) 摄影篇 (完)

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