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中文字是象形文字,一个字往往包含丰富的意象。由此衍生出“拆字”游戏。所谓“拆字”,就是将一个汉字拆分成一种或多种有趣的组合,然后基于这些组合赋予别具匠心的解释。 以“酒”字为例。左边是三点水,仿佛雨雾江河的形象;右边的“酉”字,可以想象成“天”字的第二横挂着一个“日”字;也可以拆解为“西”字中间加上一横。
The moon sinks westward, skies serene,
A lone stroke marks the chilly scene.
A few sips fall, like rain askew,
Each drop inspires a mood anew.
Chinese characters are a form of pictographic writing, each often encompassing rich imagery. This gives rise to the playful art of "character dissection"—breaking a Chinese character into one or more interesting combinations and offering creative interpretations of these parts.
Take the character "酒" (wine) as an example. The left component consists of three water droplets, evoking imagery of mist, rain, or rivers. The right component, "酉", can be reimagined in several ways: as the "天" (sky) character with a sun suspended on its second stroke, or as the character "西" (west) with an added horizontal line.
How might we interpret these parts? Drinking wine is often a leisurely evening ritual. The character "酒" conjures an ideal scene: as the sun sets in the west, casting its final glow along the horizon, wine is poured into a glass. The droplets, like sweet nectar descending from the heavens, fall one by one, warming the heart and soothing the soul.