2007 (185)
2008 (188)
小酒求酒妈 “I want to have a tail. Tiger has a tail, Monkey has a tail, Cat has a tail."
酒妈摸着小酒那个退化的尾巴解释,“You have a very short tail.”
小酒不信, “I want a long tail, a bouncing tail.”
酒妈寻到根近1米长充气用的软管,一头塞在小酒裤腰里,小酒拎着长长的尾巴乱蹦不停, “I have a tail! I have a buncing tail.”
一整天小酒念叨的都是 “Where is my tail? give me my tail. I found my tail.”
把玩具鱼海豚扔到地上,站沙发上晃动屁股摔动尾巴,很得意自己的新游戏, “My tail catch a fish.”