Two cocktails may reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and diabetic complications in animals
Yan Jun Xu, MD (China), PhD, Winnipeg, Canada
From literature search of animal studies, these two cocktails or single use may reduce risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diabetic complications, atherosclerosis and heart problems in animals:
1. Xu YJ, M Kaur, RS Dhillon, P. Tappia, Dhalla NS. (2011) Health benefits of Sea buckthorn for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. J. Function. Food (online).
2. Adameova A, Xu YJ, Duhamel TA, Tappia PS, Shan L, Dhalla NS. (2009) Anti-atherosclerotic molecules targeting oxidative stress and inflammation. Curr Pharm Des. 15:3094-107
3. Xu YJ, A.S. Arnejia, P.S. Tappia, N.S. Dhalla. (2008) The potential health benefits of taurine in cardiovascular disease. Exp. Clin. Cardiol. 13:57
4. T.A. Duhamel, Xu YJ, A.S. Arneja, N.S. Dhalla. (2007) Targeting platelets for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Expert Opinion. 11:1523-1533