Yan Jun Xu, BM, MM, PhD


Sea buckthorn, a promising plant for reducing cardiovascular dis

(2014-05-05 09:24:49) 下一个

Sea buckthorn, a promising plant for reducing cardiovascular disease risk

Dr. Yan Jun Xu (L),  at the St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre in Winnipeg. He is developing a sweet species of the sea buckthorn plant (L) on his hobby farm near Lockport, Manitoba.

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a hardy plant that needs a little care and can survive in extreme cold. It has been widely grown in China, India and Russia. The beneficial effects of sea buckthorn are rapidly emerging in North America as a promising plant for reducing cardiovascular disease risk. Sea buckthorn is natural source of vitamins and anti-oxidants. The vitamin C amount in the sea buckthorn berry is about 40 times high than in oranges. It also contains a high amount of carotenoids, trace elements, essential amino acids, flavonoids and omega-3 fatty acids. This plant has been used in folk medicine for ulcer, burns and digestive problems. New lines of evidence suggest that this plant may reduce blood cholesterol and glucose levels. It exhibits anti-oxidant properties, can inhibit platelet aggregation and may be cardioprotective against ischemia-reperfusion-induced damage. A recent review article published by Xu et al in Dr. Dhalla’s group suggests that daily consumption of 28 g of berry or 5 g of oil daily may be potentially beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart attack. However, since most of these studies were carried out in animals, the authors point out that large and blind clinical trials are needed to verify the results of the preclinical studies as well as for testing the efficiency and safety of sea buckthorn for use in humans. The sea buckthorn products include tea from leaves, juice from berry and oil from seeds. Sea buckthorn wine and vinegar are also available in the Asian market. The juice is very acidic and unpleasant, and consumer use is low. Accordingly, a sweet and better tasting species of sea buckthorn plant is currently being developed on Dr. Xu’s sea buckthorn farm. Daily consumption of sea buckthorn products may be helpful for reducing the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases.

Sea buckthorn, a promising plant for reducing cardiovascular ...

1. “Health benefits οf sea buckthorn fοr thе prevention οf cardiovascular diseases” by Y. J. Xu, M. Kaur, R. S. Dhillon, P. S. Tappia, N. S. Dhalla. Journal οf Functional Foods 3:2-12,2011
2. “Review backs sea buckthorn’s heart health benefits” by Nathan Gray, 18-Feb-2011 http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Research/
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