那次旅行我刚开始用单反半年多(NIKON D90, 定焦50mm/1.8, 加一个18-200) ,一路稀里糊涂喀嚓了2千多张,算是让我摄影刚刚入了门 (如今这两个镜头已经被我置之高阁了)。可是挑选照片的时候我要为难了,以儿童为主体并照片中需要有可识别性的背景,符合版主要求的真是少之又少啊。我尽量往上凑吧。
魁北克小瀑布公园Chute de la Chaudiere:旅行的第一天我们开了800公里,劳师袭远,其实只是为了找个漂亮地方遛娃。:)
过去的一年,奶爸经常在睡觉前给乐乐讲的卡梅拉《我要去看海》,海到底是什么样子的呢?这次来海洋省,乐乐终于亲眼看到书上的海。一路上,小朋友还不忘带上这本书,到了Peggy’s Cove的灯塔下,把书翻到了海的那一页,指着给我看!:)
再加一张,Peggy's cove灯塔下萌哒哒的老二:8个月,一路上跟着贪玩的爹妈风餐露宿,倒是吃喝拉撒均不耽误。
Cape Breton Highlands National Park,我们一人扛一娃,走完了风光无限的SKYLINE TRAIL,太美了。呜啦啦!
离开Cape Breton Highlands National Park坐渡船去爱德华王子岛,"On the ferry to PEI,I got sun-kissed. Does my daddy look like a pirate?"
爱德华王子岛:我和灯塔,远处跨海大桥confederation bridge在海边隐隐作现
PEI cavendish beach挖沙子的老大
(3) 前言
In early August 2012, Jay and me spent 16 days with Charlotte (2 weeks prior to her 3-yr-old birthday) and baby Chantal (almost 7-month old) on a road trip exploring the Maritimes.
In the span of just over 16 days, we had traveled more than 7,000 kilometers (4,400 miles), eaten inconceivable quantities of roadside cheeseburgers, slept under the stars by the sea, poached multiple campsite showers. We drove by endless farmland, along hilly winding roads,through cliffside tight turns; saw clear skies, sparkling shorelines, evergreen forests, and breathtaking rocky beaches; hiked from the Skyline to the Seashore with the little ones in backpacks; went through big hot sun, heavy rain and misty fog.
Traveling with a baby and a toddler may seem a bit crazy and extremely daunting, but in fact we all enjoyed the entire journey. We are so glad having shared our passion for the great outdoors with our little ones.
A memory we will cherish forever.

(4) 在路上的花絮:

(5) 吃 !
不管是CAMPING SITE,MOTEL,还是星级HOTEL,或者是高速旁边的麦记,不管吃的啥,咱娃都吃的挺香!这点我挺感恩的。:)
(6) 住
(7) Camping
(12) 结尾感言,呵呵
"We were so surprised at how well Charlotte and baby Chantal adjusted to life on the road. Both of them quickly developed an immense sense of home as wherever their family is, rather than it being a place."
"Their view of the world and their openness in exploring it have led us to stop and pay attention, to focus on where we are, and who we're among.Their curiosity about people, places, and things has brought the world home to our family."
(13) 最后发张去年出来玩的照片,谢谢大家收看!