2008 (51)
2010 (32)
Had no idea that people can draw with SAND, the material composed of innumerable atomic particles, shapeless and formless, that trickles like water!
What in particular amazed me is the continuity of the artist’s imagination between the different subjects that she created, one led to another like a stream of imagination! It makes you wonder if it’s the artist’s imagination that gives sand a life, or it is the amorphous sand that extends the artistic mind.
edrifter 10/18/2008
还是你看的仔细,:-) 我居然没有注意有到眼泪。
有一阵不见了,问好山眼! 好啊,经常来大家多交流!
谢谢胡涣。那你篇马坎的文章写的好, 很有趣!:-)))
It's an eye opener, for sure! Glad you liked it. :-) Thanks.
不由想起曾经买过的一个幼儿画板。 底板是七彩色,中间夹了薄薄深色的稠状液体,表厚是透明软熟料膜,孩子或成人都可以随意用双手在上面涂画,尽情发挥想象力,想来,于此技巧是相通的,只是这里灯光的烘托,给作品增添了许多立体感。 跟我们的泼墨绘画也有异曲同工之妙吧。
画家娴熟的动作和柔软的手势,配上轻松舒缓的音乐,对劳顿一天的人,真是种不错的放松和享受 :)) 周末愉快!
The artist is very talented and full of imagination. I enjoy the fantastic sand art by following her flow of imagination. Every movement of her magic hand is delicate and meaningful. I can not resist thinking the artist and I use different part of our brains :))). It is interesting to guess what she is drawing before seeing the final art. I guess the sand will be very fine and smooth. And taking videos should be an effective way to preserve the art. :))
Artist gives sand life and sand triggers her imagination, mutual benefit. :))