
纽约客关于犹太政治游说的经验 By lirpa

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纽约客关于犹太政治游说的经验 By lirpa

American Israel Public Affairs Committee的前世今生。

“AIPAC is prideful about its influence. Its promotional literature points
out that a reception during its annual policy conference, in Washington, “
will be attended by more members of Congress than almost any other event,
except for a joint session of Congress or a State of the Union address.” A
former AIPAC executive, Steven Rosen, was fond of telling people that he
could take out a napkin at any Senate hangout and get signatures of support
for one issue or another from scores of senators.”


“AIPAC was incorporated in 1963, fifteen years after the State of Israel
came into being.” - 历史不长。

影响力膨胀的历史更不长, 有和华人类似的挑战,选民数只占3%不到

“In 1980, AIPAC hired Thomas Dine, a former diplomat and congressional
staffer, as its executive director. Dine set out to develop a nationwide
network that would enable AIPAC to influence every member of Congress. This
was a daunting challenge. Jews made up less than three per cent of the
American population, concentrated in nine states, and they voted
overwhelmingly Democratic. How could AIPAC, with such a small base, become a
political force in both parties and in every state?”


Dine launched a grass-roots campaign, sending young staff members around the
country to search for Jews in states where there were few. In Lubbock,
Texas, for instance, they found nine who were willing to meet—a tiny group
who cared deeply about Israel but never thought that they could play a
political role. The lobby created four hundred and thirty-five “
congressional caucuses,” groups of activists who would meet with their
member of Congress to talk about the pro-Israel agenda.


Members’ contributions were often bundled. “AIPAC will select some dentist
in Boise, say, to be the bundler,” a former longtime AIPAC member said. “
They tell people in New York and other cities to send their five-thousand-
dollar checks to him. But AIPAC has to teach people discipline—because all
those people who are giving five thousand dollars would ordinarily want
recognition. The purpose is to make the dentist into a big shot—he’s the
one who has all this money to give to the congressman’s campaign.” AIPAC
representatives tried to match each member of Congress with a contact who
shared the congressman’s interests. If a member of Congress rode a Harley-
Davidson, AIPAC found a contact who did, too. The goal was to develop people
who could get a member of Congress on the phone at a moment’s notice.

Republicans knew that they would never get more than a minority of the
Jewish electorate, but AIPAC members convinced them that voting the right
way would lead to campaign contributions.

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