刚才想把白人为啥不爱UC一文整理成英文,就继续找资料, 终于找到CalState 2004到2013年数据: http://www.calstate.edu/as/stat_reports/2013-2014/feth01.htm
老墨本科生从04年的(51465+19529= 70,994),
增长到13年的: (105016+ 31838 =136,854),
多了六万六, 几乎增长一倍。
而白人这10年变化不大,稍微减低了些。 下午我发“为何白人不爱上UC时”,引用CalState 2010年老墨的人数,以为2013年差不多, 结果差远了,三年增加了三万多。13年比白人多2万多。
我震撼了! 这人口增长气势汹汹, 怪不得三个亚裔参议员投赞成票啊。
怪不得Hernandaz眼红UCLA/UCB, 不就多招几千人吗? 他们有的是人!
第一次觉得亚历山大,怪不得白人准备开逃。 我们得好好团结,他们是我们最大的盟军!
UC Application, Admission, and Enrollment 2013 | ||||||
Ethnic group | APPLICATIONS | ADMISSIONS | Admit % | ENROLLMENT | Enroll % | |
Afr American | 5,978 | 2,705 | 45% | 1,333 | 49% | |
Am Indian | 709 | 388 | 55% | 176 | 45% | |
Asian Am | 22,180 | 16,671 | 75% | 9,973 | 60% | |
Chicano | 25,212 | 13,899 | 55% | 7,525 | 54% | |
E Ind/Pak | 3,687 | 2,813 | 76% | 1,556 | 55% | |
Filipino Am | 5,125 | 3,052 | 60% | 1,795 | 59% | |
Latino | 6,696 | 3,551 | 53% | 1,797 | 51% | |
Other | 1,101 | 898 | 82% | 427 | 48% | |
Unknown | 2,979 | 2,088 | 70% | 1,047 | 50% | |
White | 26,881 | 17,516 | 65% | 7,933 | 45% | |
Total | 99,447 | 62,683 | 63% | 33,135 | 53% | |
"As Richard Kahlenberg of the Century Foundation shows, the cost of socioeconomic disadvantage is an average of 399 SAT points. The SAT gap between African-American and white students of the same socioeconomic status, by comparison, is just 56 points. Yet the economically disadvantaged get no affirmative-action-like admissions help at most schools."
measures to enhance access and equity in employment, education and business
许多国内的小留都走这条路,先上communiry college成绩拿A轻而易举,然后转入UC。省钱大把又轻松。