florence0012015-03-10 13:41:01回复悄悄话
to LZ:
I really hope you can complate this story. it is very sad, but if you can tell the whole story, let people learn something from this tragedy, BB 's death may not a total destrucation.
florence0012015-03-10 13:33:45回复悄悄话
回复 'qingfong' 的评论 : i do not agree with you. you are not facing this despairation. you have not right to say such words
>> 说好要更又不更,楼主在骗点击率。:)
楼主真是说出了我们的心里话 :)
星期一Palo Alto自杀的男孩新闻证实是华裔男孩,跟BB情况很像,都是15岁,10年级华裔小孩,很希望能帮到他的家人,如果有人知道他们家人的联系方式,请QQH我,也许我们可以跟他们分享一下我们当时的心理路程。
I really hope you can complate this story. it is very sad, but if you can tell the whole story, let people learn something from this tragedy, BB 's death may not a total destrucation.
你这个想法很自私, 邪恶。