

What is depression?

(2013-07-03 05:26:23) 下一个
在 wxc bbs上看到很多人对depression有误解,depression不可怕,用自己体会来说:


多给自己时间,不要逼自己,4年前我的抑郁症属于中等程度(moderate depression)今年医生的评估是under control,还是存在很多风险因素,现在属于mild depression 不用吃药,只需要按期预约去见医生。定期见医生very important   自己的感觉会误导自己,医生的评估比自己的感觉可靠


不要用异样的眼光去看待身边有抑郁症的人,得病并不是我们所希望,应该多鼓励与支持 这种病最大的障碍是:commit suicide 

 What is depression? 
Depression is a mood disorder that causes you to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. More than just a bout of the blues or temporary feelings of grief or low energy, depression can have a significant impact on your enjoyment of life, your work, your health, and the people you care about.

Depression affects people differently. Some feel down for extended periods of time; for others the feelings of depression come and go. If you have short episodes of mild depression, you may be able to continue to work and take care of daily activities. However, if you do not seek some form of treatment for your depression, you are at risk for getting more depressed or becoming physically ill. In severe cases, depression can cause people to become incapable of communicating, unable to do routine activities, or suicidal. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention.

How common is depression?
If you have symptoms of depression, you are not alone. In the United States, an estimated 15% of people will have depression at some point in life, and chances of becoming depressed are even higher for certain people. For example:Women experience depression twice as often as men, although men are more likely to commit suicide as a result of depression.
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