天边的蔷薇2013-09-12 14:20:16回复悄悄话
It is so so touching, touching my heart. Paragraphy # 3 sounds like my background except I love my parents so much.Is it a true story or based on a true story? The girl may have had depression without knowing it herself then. If she had someone who was close to her at that time get her evaluated and treated, she definitely can avoid such a tragedy!!! 99% of suiciders are depression sufferers. Not like people think that they can not accept frustrations and want to die. It has something to do with lacking certain brian chemicals, which leads to all the negative thoughts and eventaully committed suicide......People who are full of immagination, who are sentive, emotional and normally perfectionists tend to be the case.文科女生 have such a type of personality. Artists, writers and actress are similar as well. Good article!!!
Blue.Crab2013-09-10 08:46:41回复悄悄话
回复 '蔷薇啊蔷薇' 的评论 :
如果你想要找一个倾诉的对象, 一个夺目的舞伴,你可能会有一个比较满意的结果。
高见! What you said were very true at least in my college years. I went to school in Shanghai and studied international finance, and I knew a lot of fine arts major female schoolmates. English and French majors were among the worst.
好高兴你来!这是一个完全真实的故事, 也许我可以创作更曲折,更吸引眼球的小小说,但我觉得那样将会失去引人深思的基石,所以我的这个故事系列描写的都将是真实存在过的人物和情节。
好多朋友看了故事, 都怀疑盈芝有抑郁症, 但我看她不像, 她具有外文系女生的一切特点:洋气大方, 活泼外向,对爱情, 西方和未来充满幻想。她只是在最困难的时候, 没有一个亲近的人可以支持她, 帮助她, 让她渡过难关,从而导致了悲剧的发生。
如果你想要找一个倾诉的对象, 一个夺目的舞伴,你可能会有一个比较满意的结果。
高见! What you said were very true at least in my college years. I went to school in Shanghai and studied international finance, and I knew a lot of fine arts major female schoolmates. English and French majors were among the worst.
真遗憾, 你怎么尽遇到那样的女生。
我从小在一个纯理工科的高校里长大, 你说的那样的女生肯定有, 不过我知道的文艺范理工男倒多过理工女。
这个“中用”要看在哪方面, 如果是保险丝断了,要让她们换换等实务, 那么她们多半不行;
但如果你想要找一个倾诉的对象, 一个夺目的舞伴,你可能会有一个比较满意的结果。
小草,那是我从网上看来的,代表的只是社会上一部分人对文科生的偏见, 本来还有写理科女生的,被我删除了,因为我怕被砸成肉馅:-)。
haha, 你怎么能跟文科女生谈物理呢, 应该跟她们谈: 文学,哲学或者历史地理。。。